Authority |
TypeType of authority. ᵖ |
Nomisma IDNomisma ID |
Abd-Hadad of Hierapolis |
Person | |
Acarnanian league |
League |
acarnanian_league |
Achaean League |
League |
achaean_league |
Achaeus (Seleucid general proclaimed king 220-214 BCE) |
Person | |
Aelis |
Person | |
Aemilian (253 CE) |
Person | |
Aesillas (quaestor in the Roman province of Macedonia in c. 90 BC) |
Person |
aesillas_macedonia |
Aetolian League |
League |
aetolian_league |
Agathocleia Theotropos (Indo-Greek queen, 2nd century BC) |
Person | |
Agathocles Dikaios (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) |
Person |
agathocles_dikaios_(Indo-Greek_king,_c._190-180_BC) |
Agathocles of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse in 317-289 BC and self-styled king of Sicily in 304-289 BC) |
Person |
agathocles_syracuse |
Agathocles, son of Lysimachus |
Person |
Ainianes |
League |
Akrosas |
Person |
Alexander I Balas (Seleucid king, 152-145 BC) |
Person |
alexander_i_balas |
Alexander I of Macedon (Argead king, c. 498-454 BC) |
Person |
alexander_i_macedon |
Alexander II Zabinas (Seleucid king, 128-123 BC) |
Person |
alexander_ii_zabinas |
Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC) |
Person |
alexander_iii |
Alexander Jannaeus (Hasmonean king, 103-76 BC) |
Person |
alexander_jannaeus |
Alexander Severus (Roman emperor, 222-235 BC) |
Person |
severus_alexander |
Amartite (Lycian dynast, ca 480-460 BCE) |
Person | |
Amastris (Persian princess, wife of Craterus, Dionysius and Lysimachus, c. 330-284 BC) |
Person |
Amorgians league |
League |
Amphictyonic league |
League |
Amyntas II of Macedon (Argead king, c. 394-393 BC) |
Person | |
Amyntas III of Macedon (Argead king, c. 393-370 BC) |
Person |
amyntas_iii_macedon |
Amyntas of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 80-65 BC) |
Person | |
Amyntas of Galatia (tetrarch and king of Galatia, 37/6-25 BC) |
Person |
amyntas_galatia |
Anaxilas II (494-476 BCE) |
Person |
Andragoras |
Person | |
Andriscus of Macedon (Macedonian king, 149-148 BC) |
Person |
andriscus_macedon |
Antialcidas Nikephoros (Indo-Greek king, c. 115-95 BC) |
Person | |
Antigonus I Monophtalmus (Macedonian nobleman, general, satrap and Antigonid king, 306-301 BC) |
Person |
antigonus_i_macedon |
Antigonus II Gonatas (Antigonid king, 277/6-239 BC) |
Person |
antigonus_ii |
Antigonus III Doson (Antigonid king, 229-221 BC) |
Person |
antigonus_iii |
Antimachus I (Indo-Greek king, c. 185 BC-170 BC) |
Person |
antimachus_I_(Indo-Greek_king,_c._185_BC-170_BC) |
Antiochus Hierax (Seleucid usurper, 246-227 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_hierax |
Antiochus I Soter (Seleucid king, 281-261 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_i |
Antiochus II Theos (Seleucid king, 261-246 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_ii |
Antiochus III the Great (Seleucid king, 222-187 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_iii |
Antiochus IV Epiphanes (Seleucid king, 175-164 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_iv |
Antiochus IX Cyzicenus (Seleucid king, 114-95 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_ix |
Antiochus V Eupator (Seleucid king, 164-162 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_v |
Antiochus VI Dionysus (Seleucid king, 144-142 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_vi |
Antiochus VII Euergetes (Seleucid king, 138-129 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_vii |
Antiochus VIII Grypus (Seleucid king, 121/0-97/6 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_viii |
Antiochus XI Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94-93 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_xi |
Antiochus XII Dionysus (Seleucid king, 87/6-83/2 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_xii |
Antiochus XIII Asiaticus (Seleucid king, 69-64 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_xiii |
Antiochus, son of Seleucus IV (Seleucid king, c. 175-170 BC) |
Person |
antiochus_son_of_seleucus_iv |
Antoninus Pius (Roman emperor, 138-161 AD) |
Person |
antoninus_pius |
Anzaze of Elymais |
Person | |
Apodacus of Characene (124-103 BCE) |
Person | |
Apollodotus I Soter (Indo-Greek king, c. 174-165 BC) |
Person | |
Apollodotus II of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 80-65 BC) |
Person | |
Arcadian league |
League |
arcadian_league |
Archebius of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 75-65 BC) |
Person | |
Archelaus I of Macedon (Argead king, 413-399 BC) |
Person |
archelaus_i_macedon |
Ardashir II of Persis (1st c. BCE) |
Person | |
Aretas II of Nabataea (king of the Nabatens, 103-96 BC) |
Person |
aretas_ii_nabataea |
Areus I of Sparta (Agiad King of Sparta, 309-265 BC) |
Person |
areus_i_lacedaimon |
Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia (220-163 BCE) |
Person | |
Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator (king of Cappadocia, c.100-c. 85 BC) |
Person |
ariarathes_ix |
Ariarathes V of Cappadocia (163-130 BCE) |
Person | |
Ariarathes VI (king of Cappadocia, c. 130-c. 114 BCE) |
Person |
ariarathes_vi |
Ariarathes VII Philometor (king of Cappadocia, c. 116-c. 100 BC) |
Person |
ariarathes_vii |
Ariarathes VIII Eusebes Epiphanes (king of Cappadocia, c. 100-c. 95 BC) |
Person |
ariarathes_viii |
Ariobarzanes I Philoromaios (96-63 BCE) |
Person |
ariobarzanes_I_philoromaios_(96-63_BCE) |
Ariobarzanes III of Cappadocia (51-42 BCE) |
Person | |
Armenian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Arsinoe II (queen of Thrace, Asia Minor and Macedonia, Ptolemaic queen and co-ruler of Egypt, c. 300-c. 270 BC) |
Person |
arsinoe_ii |
Artabanus II (king of Parthia, 10-41 CE) |
Person |
artabanus_ii_(king_of_parthia,_10-41ce) |
Artabanus III of Parthia (prince of Parthia, c.79-81 CE) |
Person | |
Artavasdes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 55-34 BC) |
Person |
artavasdes_ii_armenia |
Artavasdes IV of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 4-6 AD) |
Person |
artavasdes_iv_armenia |
Artavasdes IV of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 4-6) |
Person | |
Artaxerxes I |
Person | |
Artaxerxes II |
Person | |
Artaxias II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 34-20 BC) |
Person |
artaxias_ii_armenia |
Artaxias III of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 18-34 AD) |
Person |
artaxias_iii_armenia |
Artumpara (dynast of Lycia c. 380-370 BCE) |
Person | |
Aruwatijesi (dynast of Lycia c. 390-370 BCE) |
Person | |
Asander of Bosporus (Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 47-17 BC) |
Person |
asander_bosporus |
Asandros (archontos at Panticapaeum) |
Person |
Aspeisas |
Person |
Ataias (350-339 BCE) |
Person |
ataias |
Attalid Kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
attalid_kingdom |
Attalus I (Attalid king, 241-197 BC) |
Person |
attalus_i |
Attalus II (220-138 BCE) |
Person | |
Audoleon of Paeonia (315-285 BCE) |
Person | |
Augustus (Roman emperor, 27 BC-14 AD) |
Person |
augustus |
Aulus Gabinius |
Person | |
Autophradates (satrap of Persis) |
Person | |
Azbaal of Citium (Phoenician king of Citium and Idalium, 5th c BC) |
Person |
azbaal_citium |
Azemilkos/°Ozmilk (king of Tyr, c. 340-330 BC) |
Person |
Azes I of Gandhara (Indo-Scythian ruler, c. 58-12 BC) |
Person | |
Azilises (Indo-Scythian king, c. 85-45 or 35 BC) |
Person | |
Baalmelek I of Citium (Phoenician king of Citium, 5th c BC) |
Person |
baalmelek_i_citium |
Baalmelek II of Citium (king of Citium and Idalium, 5th c. BC) |
Person |
baalmelek_ii_citium |
Baalram of Citium (Phoenician king of Citium, early 4th c. BC) |
Person |
baalram_citium |
Baalshillem I (king of Sidon, 450-426 BCE) |
Person |
Baalshillem II (king of Sidon, 401-365 BCE) |
Person | |
Bactrian Kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
bactrian_kingdom |
Bactrian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
bactrian_kingdom |
Balakros (satrap of Cilicia after 333 BC) |
Person | |
Baydad I of Persis |
Person | |
Berenice I (Ptolemaic queen, c. 340-c. 279-268 BC) |
Person |
berenice_i |
Berenice II Euergetis (Ptolemaic queen and co-regent, 267/266-221 BC) |
Person |
berenice_ii |
Bisaltai |
Tribe |
Boeotian league |
League |
boeotian_league |
Bosporan kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Botteian league |
League |
C. Fonteius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 114 - 113 BC) |
Person | |
C. Terentius Lucanus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 147 BC) |
Person |
c_ter_lvc_rrc |
C. Vibius Pansa (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 90 BC) |
Person | |
C. Vibius Pansa Caetronianus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 48 BC) |
Person |
c_vibivs_c_f_c_n_pansa_rrc |
Caligula (Roman emperor, 37-41 AD) |
Person |
gaius |
Campanian mercenaries |
League |
Campanian mercenaries |
Cappadocian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
cappadocian_kingdom |
Caracalla (Roman emperor, 198-217 AD) |
Person |
caracalla |
Carthaginian Empire |
carthaginian_empire |
Cassander (regent and king of Macedonia, 317-297 BC) |
Person |
cassander |
Cavarus (king of Thrace, 219-210 BCE) |
Person | |
Celtic numismatics |
Tribe |
Chalcedian cities of Sicilia |
League |
Chalcidian League (c. 430-348 BC) |
League |
chalcidian_league |
Characene kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
Charaspes |
Person | |
Claudius (Roman emperor, 13-54 BC) |
Person |
claudius |
Cleomenes III of Sparta (Agiad king of Sparta, 235-222 BC) |
Person |
cleomenes_iii_lacedaemon |
Cleopatra I Syra (Seleucid princess, Ptolemaic queen and regent of Egypt, 180-176 BC) |
Person |
cleopatra_i |
Cleopatra II Philometor (Ptolemaic queen, 172-115 BC). |
Person |
Cleopatra III of Egypt (Ptolemaic queen, 142-131 and 127-116 BC) |
Person |
cleopatra_iii_egypt |
Cleopatra Selene II |
Person | |
Cleopatra Thea (Seleucid queen, 150-121 BC) |
Person |
cleopatra_thea |
Cleopatra VII Philopator (Ptolemaic queen, 51-30 BC) |
Person |
cleopatra_vii |
Commodus (Roman emperor, 177-192 AD) |
Person |
commodus |
Croesus (king of Lydia, 560-546 BCE) |
Person | |
Cyrenean league |
League |
Dacian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
dacian_kingdom |
Damates (satrap in Achaemenid Cappadocia, 380-362 BC) |
Person |
datames_cappadocia |
Darius II |
Person | |
Demetrius I (Bactrian king, 200-185 BCE) |
Person |
demetrius_i_(bactrian_king,_200-185BCE) |
Demetrius I Poliorcetes (Antigonid king, 294-283 BC) |
Person |
demetrius_i |
Demetrius I Soter (Seleucid king, 162-150 BC) |
Person |
demetrius_i_soter |
Demetrius II Nicator (Seleucid king, 145-140 and 129-125 BC) |
Person |
demetrius_ii_nicator |
Demetrius II of Bactria |
Person | |
Demetrius III Philopator (Seleucid king, 97/6-88/7 BC) |
Person |
demetrius_iii_eucaerus |
Derdas (king of Elimiotes, early 4th century BC) |
Person |
Derrones |
League |
Diodotus I of Bactria (Seleucid satrap and king in Bactria, c. 255/50-239 BC) |
Person |
diodotus_i |
Diodotus II of Bactria (king in Bactria, 239-223 C) |
Person |
diodotus_ii |
Diomedes Soter (Indo-Greek king, c. 115-105 BC) |
Person | |
Dionysas (I) (individual who issued coins at Abdera, 411/410-386/385 BC) |
Person |
dionysas_i_abdera |
Dionysas (II) (individual who issued coins at Abdera, 365/360-350/345 BC) |
Person |
dionysas_ii_abdera |
Dionysius I of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, c. 400-367 BC) |
Person |
dionysius_i_syracuse |
Dionysius II of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, c. 367-357 and 346-344 BC) |
Person | |
Domitian (Roman emperor, 81-96 AD) |
Person |
domitian |
Edones |
Tribe |
Elagabalus (Roman emperor, 218-222 BC) |
Person |
elagabalus |
Epander (Indo-Greek king, c. 80-75 BC) |
Person | |
Epirote League |
League |
epirote_league |
Erbbina (dynast of Telmessos area in Lycia, c. 430-410 ΒC) |
Person |
erbbina_lycia |
Euanthes of Salamis (king of Salamis, second quarter of the 5th c. BC) |
Person |
euanthes_salamis |
Euboean League |
League |
Eucratides I of Bactria (Greco-Bactrian king, 171-145 BC) |
Person |
eucratides_i_bactria |
Eucratides I of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 171-145 BC) |
Person | |
Euelthon of Salamis (king of Salamis, last quarter of the 6th c. BC) |
Person |
euelthon_salamis |
Eumenes I of Pergamum (Attalid king, 263-241 BC) |
Person |
eumenes_i_pergamum |
Eumenes II of Pergamum (Attalid king, 197-159 BC) |
Person |
eumenes_ii_pergamum |
Eumenes III Aristonicus (Attalid usurper, 133-129 BC) |
Person |
Eumenes of Cardia |
Person |
Eunostos of Soli (king of Soli, end 4th c. BC) |
Person |
eunostos_of_soli |
Eupolemus (general of Cassander, Macedonian strategos in Caria, after c. 315 BC) |
Person | |
Euthydemus I of Bactria (satrap of Sogdiana and Greco-Bactrian king, c. 230-c. 200 BC) |
Person |
euthydemus_i_bactria |
Evagoras I (king of Salamis, 411-374 BC) |
Person |
euagoras_i |
Evagoras II (king of Salamis, 361-351 BC, and later satrap for Achaemenid Persia in Phoenicia) |
Person | |
Evagoras, king of Sidon (346-343 BCE) |
Person |
Faustina the Younger (Roman empress, 161-175 AD) |
Person |
faustina_ii |
Galatians |
Tribe |
Gallienus (Roman emperor, 218-268 AD) |
Person |
gallienus |
Gandhara (Indo-Greek Kingdom) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Gelon II of Syracuse (king of Syracuse, c. 240-216 BC) |
Person |
gelon_ii_syracuse |
Germanicus (general of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, 15-19 AD) |
Person |
germanicus |
Geta (Roman emperor, 209/10-211 AD) |
Person |
geta |
Getas (king of the Edones) |
Person |
getas_(king_of_the_edones) |
Gordian III (Roman emperor, 238-244 AD) |
Person |
gordian_iii |
Gorgus (king of Salamis) |
Person |
Gotarzes II (king of Parthia, 40-51 CE) |
Person |
gotarzes_ii_(king_of_parthia,_40-51_CE) |
Hadrian (Roman emperor, 117-138 AD) |
Person |
hadrian |
Hasmonean kingdom (c. 140-37 BCE) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Hecatomnid dynasty |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Hecatomnus of Caria (satrap of Caria, c. 395-c. 377 BC) |
Person |
hecatomnus_caria |
Heliocles I of Bactria (150-130 BCE) |
Person | |
Heliocles II of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 95-80 BC) |
Person | |
Hermaeus Soter (Indo-Greek king of the Eucratid Dynasty, c. 105-90 BC) |
Person | |
Herod Agrippa (Herodian king, 41-44 AD) |
Person |
herod_agrippa |
Herod Antipas (tetrarch of Galilee and Perea, 4 BC-39 AD) |
Person |
herod_antipas_judaea |
Herodian dynasty (41-92 AD) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Hicetas (tyrant of Syracuse, 288-279 BC) |
Person |
hicetas |
Hieron II of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 270-215 BC) |
Person |
hieron_ii |
Hieronymos (Magistrate in Adramyteum, Mysia, c. 117?-138?) |
Person |
hieronymos_adramyteum |
Hieronymus of Syracuse (tyrant of Syracuse, 215-214 BC) |
Person |
hieronymus_syracuse |
Hippocrates of Characene |
Person |
Hippostratus of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 65-55 BC) |
Person |
hippostratus_bactria |
Hispani |
Tribe | |
Hyspaosines of Characene (127-124 BCE) |
Person | |
Ichnai |
Tribe |
Idrieus (satrap of Caria, mid-4th century BC) |
Person |
Idrieus of Caria |
Person | |
Indo-Greek kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
John Hyrcanus I (Hasmonean leader and Jewish high priest, c. 134-104 BCE) |
Person | |
John Hyrcanus II (Jewish High Priest, Hasmonean king and ethnarch of Judea, 67-40 BCE) |
Person |
john_hyrcanus_ii_judaea |
Juba II (king of Numidia and Mauretania, 48 BCE-23 CE) |
Person | |
Julia Domna (Roman empress, 194-211 AD) |
Person |
julia_domna |
Julia Maesa (sister of Julia Domna, 218-222 AD) |
Person |
julia_maesa |
Julia Paula (wife of Elagabalus, 219-220 AD) |
Person |
julia_paula |
Julius Caesar (Roman general, statesman, Consul and Dictator Perpetuus, 100-44 BC) |
Person |
julius_caesar |
Justin I (Byzantine emperor, 518-527 AD) |
Person |
justin_i |
Justin II (Byzantine emperor, 565-578 AD) |
Person |
justin_ii |
Justinian I (Byzantine emperor, 527-565 AD) |
Person |
justinian_i |
Kamnaskires IV |
Person | |
Kanites |
Person |
kanites |
Keian League |
League |
Khadritime |
Person | |
Khadritime (dynast of Lycia c. 480-460 BCE) |
Person | |
Kherei (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) |
Person |
kherei_lycia |
Kheriga (dynast of Lycia, c. 430-410 BC) |
Person |
kheriga_lycia |
Kingdom of Bithynia (late 4th c.-74 BC) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
bithynian_kingdom |
Kingdom of Elymais |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
Kingdom of Numidia |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
Kingdom of Persis |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Koson of Dacia |
Person | |
Kujula Kadphises (50-90 CE) |
Person |
kujula_kadphises |
Kuprili (dynast of Lycia) |
Person |
Kuprlli (Lycian dynast) |
Person | |
Kushan empire |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
kushan_empire |
L. Aemilius Buca (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 44 BCE) |
Person | |
L. Aurelius Cotta (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 105 BC) |
Person | |
L. Cornelius Lentulus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 211 BCE) |
Person | |
L. Critonius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 86 BC) |
Person | |
L. Flaminius Chilo (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 43 BC) |
Person |
l_flaminivs_chilo_iiii_vir_rrc |
L. Flaminius Chilo (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 109-108 BC) |
Person |
l_flamini_cilo_rrc |
L. Iulius Bursio (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 85 BC) |
Person |
l_ivli_bvrsio_rrc |
L. Memmius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 109 - 108 BCE) |
Person | |
L. Pinarius Scarpus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 31 BCE) |
Person | |
L. Titurius Sabinus (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 89 BC) |
Person |
l_titvri_l_f_sabinvs_rrc |
Laelianus (269 CE) |
Person | |
League of Athena Ilias |
League |
Lucilius Antonius (Roman moneyer) |
Person |
Lucullus |
Person |
lucullus |
Lybian mercenaries (241-237 BCE) |
League | |
Lycian League |
League |
lycian_league |
Lysias Anicetus (Indo-Greek king, c. 130-120 BC) |
Person | |
Lysimachus (Macedonian officer, diadochus and king, c. 360-281 BC) |
Person |
lysimachus |
M. Fannius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 86 BC) |
Person | |
M. Furius L. f. Philus (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 119 BC) |
Person |
m_fovri_l_f_phili_rrc |
M. Minatius Sabinus |
Person | |
M. Plaetorius Cestianus (Roman Republican moneyer, c. 69 BC, 67 BC) |
Person |
m_plaetorivs_cest_rrc |
M. Plaetorius Cestianus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 69 BCE, 67 BCE) |
Person | |
M. Publicius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 46 - 45 BCE) |
Person | |
M. Tullius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 120 BC) |
Person | |
Macedonia First Meris (Roman Province) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
macedonia_1st_region |
Macedonian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Machares ? |
Person |
Macrinus (Roman emperor, 217-218 AD) |
Person |
macrinus |
Magas (governor of Cyrene under Ptolemy I of Egypt) |
Person |
magas_cyrene |
Mamertines |
League |
Marcus Antonius (Roman politician and general, member of the Second Triumvirate, 83-30 BC) |
Person |
mark_antony |
Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor, 161-180 AD) |
Person |
marcus_aurelius |
Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BCE) |
Person |
Marcus Junius Brutus |
Marius (269 CE) |
Person | |
Maues (Indo-Scythian king, c. 125-85 B.C) |
Person | |
Mausolus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 377-353 BC) |
Person |
mausolus_caria |
Maximinus Thrax (Roman emperor, 235-238 AD) |
Person |
maximinus_thrax |
Maximus (Roman emperor, 236-238 AD) |
Person |
gaius_julius_verus_maximus |
Mazaces (satrap of Egypt, 333-332 BC) |
Person |
mazaces_satrap |
Mazaeus (satrap of Cicilia, Transeuphratene and Babylonia, c. 350-328 BC) |
Person | |
Mazday |
Person | |
Melekiathon of Citium (392-361 BCE) |
Person |
melekiathon_of_citium |
Memnon of Rhodes (c. 380-333 BCE) |
Person |
Menander I Soter (Indo-Greek king of the Indo-Greek Kingdom, 165/155 -130 BC) |
Person |
menander_i_bactria |
Menander II Dikaios (Indo-Greek king, ca. 90-85 BC) |
Person |
menander_ii_bactria |
Messenian League |
League |
Miltiades II (tyrant of Thracian Chersonese) |
Person |
Mithradates I of Parthia |
Person | |
Mithradates II of Parthia (king of Parthia, 124-91 BCE) |
Person | |
Mithrapata |
Person | |
Mithrapata (dynast of Lycia c. 390-370 BCE) |
Person | |
Mithridates III (king of Pontus, c. 220-200 BCE) |
Person | |
Mithridates IV (king of Pontus, 162-150 BCE) |
Person | |
Mithridates VI Eupator (king of the Pontic kingdom, c. 120-63 BC) |
Person |
mithradates_vi_pontus |
Molon (Seleucid usurper, 222-220 BC) |
Person |
molon |
Monunius of Illyria (Illyrian king of Dardania, c. 290-c. 270 BC) |
Person |
monunius_illyria |
Mostis (king of the Caeni, 130-90 BC) |
Person |
mostis_caeni |
Musa of Parthia (queen of Parthia, 2 BCE-4 CE) |
Person | |
Musa/Thermusa (queen of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) |
Person | |
Nabataean Kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
nabataean_kingdom |
Nabis of Sparta (king of Sparta, 192-177 BC) |
Person |
nabis_lacedaemon |
Nero (Roman emperor, 54-68 AD) |
Person |
nero |
Nervii |
Tribe |
Nicomedes I of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, c. 278-255 BC) |
Person |
nicomedes_i_bithynia |
Nicomedes II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 149-127 BC) |
Person |
nicomedes_ii_bithynia |
Nicomedes III of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, c. 127-94 BC) |
Person |
nicomedes_iii_bithynia |
Nicomedes IV of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, c. 94-74 BC) |
Person |
nicomedes_iv_bithynia |
Nikodamos of Salamis (king of Salamis, third quarter of the 5th century BC) |
Person |
nicodamus_salamis |
Nikokles (magistrate at Paphos, c. 325-317 BC) |
Person |
nikokles_paphus |
Nikokles of Salamis (king of Salamis, 374-361 BC) |
Person | |
Octavian (Roman Republican Moneyer, c.43-31 BCE) |
Person | |
Onasioikos (Phoenician king of Paphus, early 4th century BC) |
Person |
onasi_paphus |
Orodes II (king of Parthia, 57-37 BCE) |
Person | |
Orontobates of Caria |
Person | |
Orrescii |
Tribe |
Ozbaal of Byblus |
Person | |
P. Manlius Vulso (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 210 BCE) |
Person | |
Paeonian kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Paerisades V of Bosporus (Spartocid ruler of the Bosporan Kingdom, 125-109 BC) |
Person |
paerisades_v_bosporus |
Pantaleon (Indo-Greek king, c. 190-180 BC) |
Person |
pantaleon |
Parthian Empire |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
parthian_empire |
Patraus (king of Peonia, 340-315 BC) |
Person |
patraus |
Perdiccas II of Macedon (Argead king, c. 448-c. 413 BC) |
Person |
perdiccas_ii_macedon |
Perdiccas III of Macedon (Argead king, c. 365-360 BC) |
Person |
perdiccas_iii_macedon |
Perikles |
Person | |
Perikles (dynast of Lycia c. 380-360 BCE) |
Person | |
Perseus (Antigonid king, c. 212-166 BC) |
Person |
perseus |
Persian Empire |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
persian_empire |
Petillius Capitolinus (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 43 BC) |
Person |
petillivs_capitolinvs_rrc |
Peucolaus of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 75 BC) |
Person | |
Pharnabazus II (Achaemenid Persian Satrap in Asia Minor, c. 413-374 BC) |
Person |
pharnabazus_satrap |
Pharnaces I of Pontus (king of Pontus, 2nde c. BC) |
Person |
pharnaces_i_pontus |
Pharnaces II of Pontus (king of the Bosporan Kingdom, 63-47 BC) |
Person |
pharnaces_ii_bosporus |
Philip I Epiphanes Philadelphus (Seleucid king, 94/3-76/5 BC) |
Person |
philip_i_philadelphus |
Philip II (Argead king, 359-336 BC) |
Person |
philip_ii |
Philip the Arab (Roman emperor, 244-249 AD) |
Person |
philip_the_arab |
Philip V of Macedonia (238-179 BCE) |
Person |
Philip V of Macedonia (238-179 BCE) |
Philip VI Andriscus (149-148 BCE) |
Person |
philip_vi_andriscus |
Philipp III Arrhidaeus (Argead king, 323-317 BC) |
Person |
philip_iii_arrhidaeus |
Philistis (queen of Syracusa, 274-216 BC) |
Person |
philistis_syracuse |
Philotas (king of South Macedon?) |
Person |
Philoxenus Anicetus (Indo-Greek king, c. 100-95 BC) |
Person | |
Phintias (tyrant of Agrigentum, c. 288-279 BC) |
Person | |
Phocian League |
League |
phocian_league |
Phraataces of Parthia (king of Parthia, 2 BCE-2 CE) |
Person | |
Phraates III (king of the Parthian Empire, 70-57 BC) |
Person | |
Phraates IV of Parthia (king of Parthia, 37-2 BCE) |
Person | |
Phraates V (king of the Parthian Empire, 2 BC-4 AD) |
Person | |
Pixodarus of Caria (satrap of Caria, 340-335 BC) |
Person |
pixodarus_caria |
Pnytagoras of Salamis (king of Salamis, 351-332 BC) |
Person | |
Pompey the Younger |
Person | |
Pompey the Younger (Roman Republican Moneyer, 46 - 45 BCE) |
Person | |
Pontic kingdom |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire | |
Postumus (260-269 CE) |
Person | |
Prusias I of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 230-182 BC) |
Person |
prusias_i_bithynia |
Prusias II of Bithynia (king of Bithynia, 182-149 BC) |
Person |
prusias_ii_bithynia |
Ptolemaic dynasty (323-30 BC) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
ptolemaic_dynasty |
Ptolemy Ceraunus (member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, king of Macedon, 281-279 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_ceraunus |
Ptolemy I Soter (satrap and Ptolemaic king of Egypt, 323-305 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_i |
Ptolemy II Philadelphus (Ptolemaic king, 283-246 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_ii |
Ptolemy III Euergetes (Ptolemaic king, 246-222 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_iii |
Ptolemy IV Philopator (Ptolemaic king, 221-205 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_iv |
Ptolemy IX Soter II (Ptolemaic king, 116-110, 109-107 and 88-81 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_ix |
Ptolemy V Epiphanes (Ptolemaic king, 204-181 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_v |
Ptolemy VI Philometor (Ptolemaic king, 180-145 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_vi |
Ptolemy VIII Physcon (169-164, 144-132/1 and 126-116 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_viii |
Ptolemy X Alexander I (Ptolemaic king, 110-88 BC) |
Person |
ptolemy_x |
Ptolemy XII Auletes |
Person | |
Pumiathon of Citium (361-312 BCE) |
Person |
pumiathon_of_citium |
Pyrrhus (general, Aeacid king of Molossians, Macedonia and Epirus, 306-272 BC) |
Person |
pyrrhus |
Pythes (I) (individual who issued coins at Abdera, 473/470-449/448 BC) |
Person |
pythes_i_abdera |
Pythes (II) (individual who issued coins at Abdera, 365/360-350/345 BC) |
Person |
pythes_ii_abdera |
Pythes (individual who issued coins at Samothrace) |
Person |
Rhodian power |
rhodian_power |
Rhoontopates (satrap of Caria) |
Person |
Roman Empire |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
roman_empire |
Roman province of Macedonia |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
macedonia_roman_province |
Roman Republic |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
roman_republic |
Sabaces (Achaemenid satrap of the Achaemenid 31st dynasty of Egypt, c. 350-333 BC) |
Person |
sabaces_satrap |
Salome Alexandra (Hasmoneans queen, 76-67 BC) |
Person |
alexandra_judaea |
Sammas (dynast of uncertain place in the Thraco-Macedonian region) |
Person |
samma-_thrace |
Sariakes |
Person | |
Scythian kings |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
Seleucid Dynasty (312-63 BC) |
Dynasty/Kingdom/Empire |
seleucid_dynasty |
Seleucus I Nicator (satrap in 321-305 BC and Seleucid king in 305-281 BC) |
Person |
seleucus_i |
Seleucus II Callinicus (Seleucid king, 246-225 BC) |
Person |
seleucus_ii |
Seleucus III Ceraunus (Seleucid king, 225-223 BC) |
Person |
seleucus_iii |
Seleucus IV Philopator (Seleucid king, 187-175 BC) |
Person |
seleucus_iv |
Seleucus VI Epiphanes Nicator (Seleucid king, 96-94 BC) |
Person |
seleucus_vi |
Septimius Severus (Roman emperor, 193-211 AD) |
Person |
septimius_severus |
Seuthes III (king of the Odrysian kingdom, c. 331-300 BC) |
Person |
seuthes_iii_odrysian_thrace |
Severus Alexander (Roman emperor, 222-235 AD) |
Person |
severus_alexander |
Sextus Pompeius Magnus Pius |
Person | |
Simon bar Kokhba (military leader and king of Judea, 132-135 CE) |
Person |
simon_bar_kokhba_judaea |
Skostokos (vassal of Lysimachus or ruler in Thrace ?) |
Person |
Sophysas (Cypriot ruler) |
Person |
Sophytes |
Person | |
Spalahores (Indo-Scythian commander and king, c. 57-35 BC) |
Person |
Spalirises (Indo-Scythian king, 1st century BC) |
Person |
Spartocus of Thrace (king of the Odrysian Kingdom, c. 281-278 BC) |
Person |
spartocus_odrysian_thrace |
Sppntaza |
Person | |
Sppntaza (dynast of Lycia c. 440-430 BCE) |
Person | |
Stasandros of Paphos (king of Paphos, 5th c BC) |
Person |
stasandrus_paphus |
Stasioikos I of Marium (king of Marium, second half of the 5th c BC) |
Person |
stasioecus_i_marium |
Stasioikos II of Marium (king of Marium, late 4th c BC) |
Person |
stasioecus_ii_marium |
Stasoikos II of Marium (330-312 BCE) |
Person |
stasoikos_of_marium |
Strato I (Indo-Greek king, c. 125-110 BC) |
Person | |
Sulla |
Person | |
Symmachic coinage (405 BCE) |
League |
Symmachic coinage (405 BCE) |
T. Carisius (Roman Republican Moneyer, c. 46 BC) |
Person |
t_carisivs_iii_vir_rrc |
Tanagura (dynast of Lycia) |
Person | |
Tanousas |
Person |
tanousas |
Tarkumuwa (Datames), satrap of Cilicia |
Person | |
Telephus of Bactria (Indo-Greek king, c. 80-70 BC) |
Person | |
Tenagure (dynast of Lycia c. 480-460 BCE) |
Person | |
Tennes, king of Sidon (351-347 BCE) |
Person | |
Tetricus I (271-274 CE) |
Person | |
Tetricus II (273-274 CE) |
Person | |
The Amphaxians |
League |
The Bruttians |
League |
The Mamertines (mercenaries of Italian origin hired by Agathocles) |
Person | |
The Sindi, Sindones or Sindianoi (people in the Taman Peninsula and the coast of Pontus) |
League |
The Syracusans |
League |
The Tyrrhenians (mercenaries, c. 340-330 BC) |
Organization ; Concept | |
Thessalian league |
League |
thessalian_league |
Thraco-Macedonian tribes |
Tribe |
Tiberius (Roman emperor, 14-37 AD) |
Person |
tiberius |
Tigranes I of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 115-95 BC) |
Person | |
Tigranes II of Armenia (Artaxiad king, c. 95-56 BC) |
Person |
tigranes_ii_armenia |
Tigranes III of Armenia (Artaxiad king, 20-8 BC) |
Person |
tigranes_iii_armenia |
Timairos (king of Paphos) |
Person |
Timarchos (first magistrate in Athens in 134/133 BC) |
Person |
timarchos_athens |
Timarchus (satrap of Media in c. 175-163 BC and Seleucid usurper in 162-161 BC) |
Person |
timarchus |
Timocharis of Marium (king of Marium, early 4th c. BC) |
Person |
timocharis_marium |
Timoleon (Greek statesman and general, c. 345-337 BC) |
Person |
Timoleon (Greek statesman and general, c. 345-337 BC) |
Timoleon of Corinth (411-337 BCE) |
Person | |
Timoleontic symmachy coinage |
League |
Tiraeus I of Characene (95-89 BCE) |
Person | |
Tiridates I of Parthia |
Person | |
Titus (Roman emperor, 79-81 AD) |
Person |
titus |
Trajan (Roman emperor, 98-117 AD) |
Person |
trajan |
Tranquillina (Roman empress, 241-244 AD) |
Person |
sabinia_tranquillina |
Trbbenimi |
Person | |
Trbbenimi (dynast of Lycia c. 390-370 BCE) |
Person | |
Tryphon (142-138 BCE) |
Person |
tryphon |
Tylis |
Person | |
Tyntenoi |
Tribe |
Uncertain Lycian dynast |
Person |
Uncertain satrap (provincial governor within the Achaemenid Persian Empire) |
Person |
satrap |
Unknown Parthian king, ca 80-70 BCE |
Person |
Uteves (dynast of Lycia) |
Person | |
Vadfradad II of Persis |
Person | |
Vahbaz of Persis |
Person | |
Valerius Gratus (Roman Prefect of Iudaea province under Tiberius, 15-26 AD) |
Person |
valerius_gratus |
Vardanes I of Parthia |
Person | |
Vespasian (Roman emperor, 69-79 AD) |
Person |
vespasian |
Victorinus (269-271 CE) |
Person | |
Vima Kadphises |
Person |
Vima Kadphises |
Vonones (Indo-Scythian king, c. 75-57 BC) |
Person |
Vonones I of Parthia (8-12 CE) |
Person | |
Vonones I of Parthia (king of the Parthia, 8-12 AD) |
Person | |
Wekhssere I (dynast of Lycia, c. 440-430 BC) |
Person |
wekhssere_i_lycia |
Wete (dynast of Lycia c. 480-460 BCE) |
Person | |
Xerxes I |
Person | |
Zoilus I Dikaios (Indo-Greek king, c. 130-120 B.) |
Person | |
Zoilus II (Indo-Greek king, c. 55-35 BCE) |
Person | |
`Abd`aštart (king of Sidon, 365-352 BCE) |
Person | |
`Abd`aštart II, king of Sidon (342-333 BCE) |
Person | |