Literature in SILVER Wiki
Literature | AuthorAuthor of the document. | TitleTitel of the book. | YearYear of the literature reference ᵖ | TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) ᵖ | PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. |
Abou Diwan 2012 | Georges Abou Diwan | Le monnayage civique non daté de Sidon: Opportunisme civique et pragmatisme royal (169/8-111/0 av. J.-C.) | 2012 | journal | New York |
Abramzon et al. 2021 | Andrei M. Novichikhin Irina A. Saprykina Mikhail G. Abramzon Tatiana N. Smekalova |
A Hoard of Bosporan Didrachms from the Village of Fontalovskaya (IGCH 1143): The Mithridatic Wars Time Mercenaries' Salary? | 2021 | monograph | Moscow |
ACIP | Jaume Benages Leandre Villaronga i Garriga |
Ancient Coinage of the Iberian Peninsula (Greek /Punic/Iberian/Roman) | 2011 | monograph | Barcelona |
Albarède et al. 2020 | Francis Albarède François de Callataÿ Gillan Davis Janne Blichert-Toft Jean Milot Katrin Westner Liesel Gentelli Markos Vaxevanopoulos Sabine Klein Thomas Birch |
A miner’s perspective on Pb isotope provenances in the Western and Central Mediterranean, | 2020 | journal | Amsterdam |
Albarède et al. 2021 | Francis Albarède François de Callataÿ Janne Blichert-Toft Pierluigi Debernardi |
Model for ancient Greek and Roman coinage production | 2021 | journal | Amsterdam |
Albarède et al. 2021a | Fleur Kemmers Francis Albarède François de Callataÿ Gillan Davis Haim Gitler Jane Blichert-Toft Liesel Gentelli Pierluigi Debernardi Sabine Klein |
From commodity to money: the rise of silver coinage around the ancient Mediterranean (6th-1st century BCE) | 2021 | journal | Oxford |
Alexandropoulos 2007 | Jacques Alexandropoulos | Les monnaies de l'Afrique antique (400 av. J.-C.-40 ap. J.-C.) | 2007 | monograph | Toulouse |
Allen 2007 | Joel Allen | The Gold Coinage of Trajan Dated COS V | 2007 | journal | New York |
Allotte de la Fuÿe 1904 | François-Maurice Allotte de la Fuÿe | Monnaies arsacides surfrappées | 1904 | journal | Paris |
Alram 1986 | Michael Alram | Iranisches Personennamenbuch. Band IV: Nomina Propria Iranica In Nummis | 1986 | monograph | Vienna |
Alram 1993 | Michael Alram | Dareikos und siglos : Ein neuer schatzfund achaimenidischer sigloi aus kleinasien | 1993 | journal | Bures-sur-Yvette |
Amandry 1984 | Michel Amandry | Le monnayage d'Amathonte | 1984 | collective book | Paris |
Amandry 1989 | Michel Amandry | Les tétradrachmes à la couronne de feuillages frappés à Lébédos (Ionie) | 1989 | festschrift | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Amandry 1998 | Michel Amandry | Le monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium | 1998 | festschrift | Berlin |
Amandry 1998b | Michel Amandry | A propos d'une monnaie de Sébastè en Phrygie frappée pour Septime Sévère, Caracalla et Géta en 198 | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Andrade 2017 | Nathanael J. Andrade | The Silver Coinage of Syrian Manbog (Hierapolis-Bambyke) | 2017 | journal | New York |
Anna Accettola 2023 | Anna Accettola | New owls : a die study of Sabaean imitations of Athenian "new style" owls | 2023 | journal | New York |
Anokhin 1977 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Monetnoe delo Khersonesa IV v. do n.ė. - XII v. n.ė (= Coinage in the Chersonesus area, IVth c. B.C. - XIIth c. A.D.) | 1977 | monograph | Kiev |
Anokhin 1986 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Monetnoe delo Bospora | 1986 | monograph | Kiev |
Anokhin 2011 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Antique coins of the Northern Black Sea coastal region : catalog | 2011 | collection catalogue | Kiev |
Arnold-Biucchi 1990 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | The Randazzo hoard 1980 and Sicilian chronology in the early fifth century B.C. | 1990 | monograph | New York |
Arnold-Biucchi 1992 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | The beginnings of coinage in the West. Archaic Selinus. | 1992 | festschrift | Stockholm |
Arnold-Biucchi 1996 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | Riconiazioni siciliane | 1996 | journal | Lugano |
Arnold-Biucchi 1998 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | The Pergamene mint under Lysimachos | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Arnold-Biucchi 1999 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | Un trésor de tétradrachmes hellénistiques d’Aigeai en Cilicie | 1999 | festschrift | London |
Arslan - Lightfoot 1999 | Chris Lightfoot Melih Arslan |
Greek coins found in Turkey. The Antalya Archaeological Museum and the C.S. Okray Collection with additional material from the Burdur, Fethiye and Sinop Museums | 1999 | monograph | Ankara |
Arslan 1989 | Ermanno A. Arslan | Monetazione aurea ed argentea dei Brettii | 1989 | monograph | Milan |
Arslan 1998 | Melih Arslan | A hoard of bronze coins of Lysimachia | 1998 | festschrift | Berlin |
Arslan 1999 | Melih Arslan | A hoard of bronze coins of Lysimachia | 1999 | journal | Ankara |
Artru 2024 | Jérémy Artru | Carthage : monnaie et histoire, de la prise de Sélinonte à la révolte lybienne (409-237 av. n.-è.) | 2024 | doctoral dissertation | Orléans |
Arévalo González 1990 | Alicia Arévalo González | Análisis de las reacuñaciones sobre Obulco | 1990 | journal | Madrid |
Ashton - Kinns - Konuk - Meadows 2002 | Andrew Meadows Koray Konuk Philip Kinns Richard Ashton |
The Hecatomnus Hoard (CH 5.17, 8.96, 9.387) | 2002 | collective book | London |
Ashton - Kinns 2003 | Philip Kinns Richard Ashton |
Opuscula Anatolica II. Iv. A Rhodes on Chios overstrike | 2003 | journal | London |
Ashton - Konuk 2019 | Koray Konuk Richard Ashton |
The Ketos coins of Karia | 2019 | proceedings | Istanbul |
Ashton - Sekunda 2005 | Nicholas Victor Sekunda Richard Ashton |
The Coinage of Oinoanda | 2005 | journal | London |
Ashton - Weiss 1997 | Arnold-Peter Weiss Richard Ashton |
The Post-Plinthophoric Silver Drachms of Rhodes | 1997 | journal | London |
Ashton 1986 | Richard Ashton | Rhodian Bronze Coinage and the Earthquake of 229-226 BC | 1986 | journal | London |
Ashton 1987 | Richard Ashton | Pseudo-Rhodian drachms and the beginning of the Lycian League coinage | 1987 | journal | London |
Ashton 1987b | Richard Ashton | Rhodian-Type Silver Coinages from Crete | 1987 | journal | Switzerland |
Ashton 1988 | Richard Ashton | Rhodian Coinage and the Colossus | 1988 | journal | Paris |
Ashton 1988b | Richard Ashton | A Series of Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Mainland Greece | 1988 | journal | London |
Ashton 1989 | Richard Ashton | A series of Rhodian didrachms from the mid-third century B.C. | 1989 | journal | London |
Ashton 1989b | Richard Ashton | Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Eretria (Euboia) | 1989 | journal | Paris |
Ashton 1990 | Richard Ashton | The solar disk drachms of Caria | 1990 | journal | London |
Ashton 1992 | Richard Ashton | The Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms of Mylasa | 1992 | journal | London |
Ashton 1998 | Richard Ashton | The coins of the Macedonian kings, Lysimachos and Eupolemos in the Museums of Fethiye and Afyon | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Ashton 1999 | Richard Ashton | The late classical/early hellenistic drachms of Knidos | 1999 | journal | Paris |
Ashton 1999b | Richard Ashton | The Hellenistic Hemidrachms of Kaunos | 1999 | journal | Brussels |
Ashton 2000 | Richard Ashton | More Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Central Greece: Haliartos (again), Chalkis, and Euboia uncertain(?) | 2000 | journal | London |
Ashton 2001 | Richard Ashton | The coinage of Rhodes 408-c.190 BC | 2001 | collective book | Oxford |
Ashton 2001b | Richard Ashton | Rhodian Bronze Coinage and the Siege of Mithradates VI | 2001 | journal | London |
Ashton 2002 | Richard Ashton | A Sinope-Kos or Kos-Sinope overstrike | 2002 | journal | London |
Ashton 2002c | Richard Ashton | Catalogue of the early silver coinage of Rhodes | 2002 | collective book | London |
Ashton 2003 | Richard Ashton | A Rhodes on Chios overstrike | 2003 | journal | London |
Ashton 2004 | Richard Ashton | Kaunos, not Miletos or Mylasa | 2004 | journal | London |
Ashton 2007 | Richard Ashton | The pre-Imperial Coinage of Iasos | 2007 | journal | London |
Ashton et al. 2002 | Andrew Meadows Koray Konuk Nicholas Hardwick Philip Kinns Richard Ashton |
The Pixodarus Hoard (CH 9.421) | 2002 | collective book | London |
Asolati - Crisafulli 2018 | Cristina Crisafulli Michele Asolati |
Cirene e la Cirenaica in età greca e romana. Le monete. I. I ripostigli | 2018 | monograph | Rome |
Asolati 2011 | Michele Asolati | Nummi Aenei Cyrenaici. Struttura e Cronologia della Monetazione Bronzea Cirenaica di Età Greca e Romana (325 a.C.-180 d.C.) | 2011 | monograph | Rome |
Assar 2001 | Gholam Reza Farhad Assar | Recent Studies in Parthian History: Part III | 2001 | journal | Lancaster |
Assar 2020 | Gholam Reza Farhad Assar | A New Hellenistic Ruler from Early 1st century BC: King Hippokrates Autokrator Nikephoros | 2020 | collective book | Munich |
Associated persons | |||||
Atlan 1967 | Sabahat Atlan | Untersuchungen über die sidetischen Münzen des V. und IV. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. | 1967 | monograph | Ankara |
Atlan 1975 | Sabahat Atlan | Die Münzprägung des Amyntas in Side | 1975 | journal | |
Babelon 1885-1886 | Ernest Babelon | Description historique et chronologique des monnaies de la république romaine, vulgairement appelées monnaies consulaires | journal | Paris | |
Babelon 1890 | Ernest Babelon | Les Rois de Syrie, d 'Arménie, et de Commagène | 1890 | journal | Paris |
Babelon 1893 | Ernest Babelon | Les Perses achéménides, les satrapes et les dynastes tributaires de leur empire : Chypre & Phénicie | 1893 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1901 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines. Tome Premier. Première partie, théorie et doctrine. | 1901 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Babelon 1901-1932 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines | 1901 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Babelon 1907 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines. Tome Premier, comprenant les monnaies grecques depuis les origines jusqu'aux guerres médiques. Deuxième partie, Description historique. | 1907 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1910 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines. Tome deuxième, comprenant les monnaies de l'empire des Perses Achemenides, de l'orient semitque et de l'asia mineure, aux Ve et IVe siecles avant J.-C. Deuxième partie, description historique. | 1910 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1914 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines 2, Description historique t. 3 Comprenant les monnaies de la Grèce centrale et méridionale aux Ve et IVe siècles avant J.-C. | 1914 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1924 | Jean Babelon | Catalogue de la collection de Luynes : monnaies grecques | 1924 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Babelon 1932 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines, 2 Description historique t.4. | 1932 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1936 | Jean Babelon | Catalogue de la collection de Luynes, Monnaies grecques. IV, Syrie, Égypte, Cyrénaïque, Maurétanie, Zeugitane, Numidie | 1936 | journal | Paris |
Baer 2020 | Martin Baer | Erneute Stempelstudie zur Restitutionsprägung der Kaiser Marcus Aurelius und Lucius Verus | 2020 | festschrift | Vienna |
Bahrfeldt 1904 | Max von Bahrfeldt | Die Römisch-Sicilischen Münzen aus der zeit der Republik | 1907 | journal | Genova |
Balcer 1968 | Jack M. Balcer | The early silver coinage of Teos | 1968 | journal | Bern |
Balcer 1978 | Jack M. Balcer | The archaic coinage of Skyros and the forgeries of Konstantinos Christodoulos. | 1978 | journal | Genève |
Barbara 2015 | Sébastien Barbara | An Anepigraphic Bronze Close to the Pergamene Issue with Types Athena/Coiled Snake | 2015 | proceedings | Antalya |
Barbato 2011 | Marta Barbato | Le monete incuse a leggenda Pal-Mol: una verifica della documentazione disponibile | 2011 | proceedings | Glasgow |
Barron 1966 | John Penrose Barron | The Silver Coins of Samos | 1966 | monograph | London |
Barron 1968 | John Penrose Barron | The Fifth-Century Diskoboloi of Kos | 1968 | festschrift | Oxford |
Bauslaugh 1979 | Robert A. Bauslaugh | The Posthumous Alexander Coinage of Chios | 1979 | journal | Oxford |
Bauslaugh 1987 | Robert A. Bauslaugh | Two unpublished overstrikes: new style Athens and Aesillas the Quaestor | 1987 | journal | New York |
Bauslaugh 2000 | Robert A. Bauslaugh | Silver coinage with the types of Aesillas the Quaestor | 2000 | monograph | New York |
BCD Akarnanien und Aetolien | Basil Demetriadi | Sammlung BCD : Akarnanien und Aetolien | 2007 | sale catalogue | Stuttgart |
BCD Boeotia | Basil Demetriadi | The BCD Collection of the Coinage of Boiotia | 2006 | sale catalogue | Lancaster |
BCD Euboia | Lanz Numismatik | Münzen von Euboia : Sammlung BCD : im Luitpoldblock München, Maximiliansplatz 10, im eigenen Auktionssaal, Montag, 25. Nov. | 2002 | collection catalogue | Munich |
BCD Peloponnesos | Alan S. Walker | LHS Numismatics, 96 (Coins of Peloponnesos. The BCD Collection) | 2006 | sale catalogue | Zurich |
BCD Thessaly II | Classical Numismatic Group | The BCD Collection of the Coinage of Thessaly. | 2012 | collection catalogue | New York |
Beckman 2000 | Martin Beckmann | The Early Gold Coinage of Trajan's Sixth Consulship | 2000 | journal | New York |
Beckmann 2007 | Martin Beckmann | Trajan's gold coinage, AD 112-117 | 2007 | journal | New York |
Beckmann 2011 | Martin Beckmann | Trajan's Gold Coinage Dated COS V, AD 103-111 | 2011 | journal | New York |
Beckmann 2012 | Martin Beckmann | Diva Faustina. Coinage and Cult in Rome and the Provinces | 2012 | monograph | New York |
Bedoukian 1978 | Paul Z. Bedoukian | Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia | 1978 | book | London |
Bedoukian 1991 | Paul Z. Bedoukian | A hoard of copper coins of Tigranes the Great and A hoard of Artaxiad coins | 1991 | monograph | Los Angeles |
Bedoukian 1992 | Paul Z. Bedoukian | A hoard of copper coins of tigranes the great and a hoard of artaxiad coins | 1992 | journal | Los Angeles |
Bellinger 1961 | Alfred R. Bellinger | Troy. Supplementary monograph 2, The coins | 1961 | monograph | Princeton |
Bertelli - Rossini 2020 | Fabrizio Rossini Massimiliano Bertelli |
Lopadousa coinage revisited | 2020 | journal | Lugano |
Betlyon 1982 | John Wilson Betlyon | The coinage and mints of Phoenicia : the pre-Alexandrine period | 1982 | doctoral dissertation | Chico |
Blichert-Toft et al. 2022 | Francis Albarède François de Callataÿ Janne Blichert-Toft Philippe Télouk |
Origin and fate of the greatest accumulation of silver in ancient history | 2022 | journal | Berlin |
Bloesch 1957 | Hansjörg Bloesch | Die Löwen von Skione | 1957 | journal | Basel |
Bloesch 1982 | Hansjörg Bloesch | Hellenistic coins of Aegeae (Cilicia) | 1982 | journal | New York |
Bloesch 1987 | Hansjörg Bloesch | Griechische Münzen in Winterthur | 1987 | journal | Winterthur |
Bloesch 1997 | Hansjörg Bloesch | Griechische Münzen in Winterthur. 2 | 1997 | monograph | Winterthur |
BMC Arabia | George Francis Hill | Catalogue of the Greek coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia (Nabataea, Arabia Provincia, S. Arabia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, Alexandrine empire of the East, Persis, Elymais, Characene) | 1922 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Attica | Barclay Vincent Head | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. VII : Attica - Megaris - Aegina. | 1888 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Caria | Barclay Vincent Head | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XV : Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc. | 1897 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Central Greece | Barclay Vincent Head Reginald Stuart Poole |
British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek coins : Central Greece (Locris, Phocis, Boetia and Euboea) | 1884 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Crete | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. X : Crete and the Aegean Islands | 1886 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Cyprus | George Francis Hill | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum, vol XX : Cyprus | 2004 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Cyrenaica | E. S. G. Robinson | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXIX : Cyrenaica | 1927 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Galatia | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXI : Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria | 1899 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Ionia | Barclay Vincent Head | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XIV : Ionia | 1892 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Italy | Reginald Stuart Poole | A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Italy | 1873 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Lycia | George Francis Hill | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XVIII : Lycia, Pamphylia, Pisidia | 1897 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Mysia | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XII : Mysia | 1892 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Peloponnesus | Percy Gardner Reginald Stuart Poole |
British Museum. Catalogue of the Greek coins : Peloponnesus (excluding Corinth) | 1899 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Phoenicia | George Francis Hill | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXIII : Phoenicia | 1910 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Phrygia | Barclay Vincent Head | A Catalogue of the Greek coins of Phrygia | 1906 | journal | London |
BMC Pontus | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XI : Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and The Kingdom of Bosporus | 1889 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Seleucid kings of Syria | Percy Gardner | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXII : The Seleucid kings of Syria | 1878 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Sicily | Reginald Stuart Poole | A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Sicily | 1876 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Thessaly | Percy Gardner | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. V : Thessaly to Aetolia | 1883 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Troas | Wroth, Warwick William | A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. vol XIII : Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos | 1894 | journal | London |
BMCRR | Herbert A. Grueber | Coins of the Roman Republic in the British museum | 1910 | collection catalogue | London |
Bodenstedt 1981 | Friedrich Bodenstedt | Die Elektronmünzen von Phokaia und Mytilene | 1981 | monograph | Tübingen |
Bodzek 2023 | Jarosław Bodzek | A Note on a Satrapal Coin with the Inscription ΔΗ | 2023 | journal | Krakow |
Boehringer 1929 | Erich Boehringer | Die Münzen von Syrakus | 1929 | monograph | Berlin; Leipzig |
Boehringer 1992 | Christof Boehringer | Ehrenrettung einer syrakusanischen Goldmünze | 1992 | festschrift | Stockholm |
Boehringer 1997 | Christof Boehringer | Konkordanz und Nachtrag zum Muenzfund von Selinunte 1923 (IGCH 2084) | 1997 | journal | Genova |
Boehringer 1998 | Christof Boehringer | Zur Muenzgeschichte von Leontinoi in klassischer Zeit | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Boillet 2009 | Pierre-Yves Boillet | Ecbatane et la Médie d’Alexandre aux Arsacides (c. 331 a.C. - c. 224 p.C.). Histoire monétaire et économique | 2009 | doctoral dissertation | Bordeaux |
Bopearachchi - Landes - Sachs 2003 | Christian Landes Christine Sachs Osmund Bopearachchi |
De l'Indus à l'Oxus : archéologie de l'Asie centrale : catalogue de l'exposition | 2003 | collection catalogue | Lattes |
Bopearachchi - Pieper 1998 | Osmund Bopearachchi Wilfried Pieper |
Ancient and Indian Coins | 1998 | monograph | Turnhout |
Bopearachchi - Pieper 2004 | Osmund Bopearachchi Wilfried Pieper |
Over-struck and double-struck | 2004 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi - ur Rahman 1995 | Aman ur Rahman Osmund Bopearachchi |
Pre-Kushana coins in Pakistan | 1995 | collection catalogue | Karachi |
Bopearachchi 1989 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Monnaies indo-grecques surfrappées | 1989 | journal | Paris |
Bopearachchi 1991 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Monnaies gréco-bactriennes et indo-grecques : catalogue raissoné | 1991 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Bopearachchi 1995 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Indian Brahman on a coin of Indo-Greek Telephus | 1995 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 1995b | Osmund Bopearachchi | Découvertes récentes de trésors indo-grecs : nouvelles données historiques | 1995 | collective book | Paris |
Bopearachchi 2000 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Two unreported coins from the second Mir Zakah deposit | 2000 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2001 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Some interesting coins from the Pandayale hoard | 2001 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2002 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Diomedes overstruck by Agathocleia | 2002 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2008 | Osmund Bopearachchi | L'apport des surfrappes à la reconstruction de l'histoire des Indo-Grecs | 2008 | journal | Paris |
Bopearachchi 2011 | Osmund Bopearachchi | New numismatic evidence on the chronology of late Indo-Greeks and Early Kushans | 2011 | proceedings | Shangaï |
Bordeaux 2018 | Olivier Bordeaux | Les Grecs en Inde. Politiques et pratiques monétaires (IIIe s. a.C.-Ier s. p.C.) | 2018 | monograph | Bordeaux |
Bourrieau - Olivier 2024 | Julien Olivier Pierre Bourrieau |
Le monnayage d'Andriscos reconsidéré | 2024 | journal | Paris |
Bourrieau 2019 | Pierre Bourrieau | Les drachmes surfrappées d’Andriscos (ca 150-148) : des monnaies entre Rome, la Macédoine et la Thrace | 2019 | journal | Paris |
Bracey 2009 | Robert Bracey | The Coinage of Wima Kadphises | 2009 | monograph | Peshawar |
Breglia 1949 | Laura Breglia | A proposito di riconiazioni | 1949 | journal | Naples |
Brousseau 2003 | Louis Brousseau | Le monnayage d'argent de Poseidonia : une étude de coins sur les statères et les drachmes | 2003 | doctoral dissertation | Paris |
Brousseau 2009 | Louis Brousseau | Poseidonia de 600 à 273 av. J.-C. Etude de numismatique et d'histoire | 2009 | doctoral dissertation | Paris |
Bubelis 2004-2005 | William S. Bubelis | An overstruck stater of the Cypriot kingdom of Salamis | 2005 | journal | New York |
Burnett - Crawford 1998 | Andrew M. Burnett Michael H. Crawford |
Overstrikes at Neapolis and coinage at Poseidonia-Paestum | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Burnett - McCabe 2016 | Andrew M. Burnett Andrew McCabe |
An early Roman struck bronze with a helmeted goddess and an eagle | 2016 | festschrift | Ragusa |
Burnett 1983 | Andrew M. Burnett | The Enna hoard and the silver coinage of the Syracusan Democracy | 1983 | journal | Switzerland |
Burnett 1998 | Andrew M. Burnett | The earliest coinage of Alexandria Troas | 1998 | festschrift | Berlin |
Butcher 2004 | Kevin Butcher | Coinage in Roman Syria : Northern Syria, 64 BC-AD 253 | 2004 | book | London |
Buttrey - Buttrey 1997 | S. E. Buttrey Theodore V. Buttrey |
Calculating ancient coin production, again | 1997 | journal | New York |
Buttrey - Cooper 1994 | Theodore V. Buttrey | Calculating ancient coin production II : Why it cannot be done | 1994 | journal | London |
Buttrey 1960a | Theodore V. Buttrey | The Denarii of Cn. Pompeius Jr. and M. Minatius Sabinus | 1960 | journal | New York |
Buttrey 1960b | Theodore V. Buttrey | The Pietas denarii of Sextus Pompey | 1960 | journal | London |
Buttrey 1960c | Theodore V. Buttrey | The denarius of P. Ventidius | 1960 | journal | New York |
Buttrey 1973 | Theodore V. Buttrey | The Morgantina Gold Hoard and the Coinage of Hicetas | 1973 | journal | London |
Buttrey 1976 | Theodore V. Buttrey | The Denarii of P. Crepusius and Roman Republican Mint Organization | 1976 | journal | New York |
Buttrey 1989 | Theodore V. Buttrey | Morgantina Studies, vol. II: The Coins | 1989 | monograph | Princeton |
Buttrey 1993 | Theodore V. Buttrey | Calculating ancient coin production : facts and fantasies | 1993 | journal | London |
Bérend 1972 | Denyse Bérend | Les tétradrachmes de Rhodes de la première période : tentative de classement à la lumière d'une trouvaille | 1972 | journal | Switzerland |
Bérend 1993 | Denyse Bérend | Le monnayage d’or de syracuse sous Denys I | 1993 | proceedings | Rome |
Bérend 1998 | Denyse Bérend | De l'or d'Agathocle | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Caccamo Caltabiano - Carroccio - Oteri 1997 | Benedetto Carroccio Emilia Oteri Maria Caccamo Caltabiano |
Siracusa ellenistica. Le monete ‘regali’ di Ierone II, della sua famiglia e dei Siracusani | 1997 | monograph | Messina |
Caccamo Caltabiano 1993 | Maria Caccamo Caltabiano | La monetazione di Messana. Con le emissioni di Rhegion dell’eta della tirannide | 1993 | monograph | Berlin |
Cahn 1944 | Herbert A. Cahn | Die Münzen der sizilischen Stadt Naxos. Ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des griechischen Westens | 1944 | monograph | Basel |
Cahn 1970 | Herbert A. Cahn | Die Münzen des sechsten und des fünften Jahrhunderts v. Chr | 1970 | monograph | Berlin |
Calciati 1983 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, I | 1983 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1986 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, II | 1986 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1987 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, III | 1987 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1990 | Romolo Calciati | Pegasi | 1990 | monograph | Mortara |
Calciati 1995 | Romolo Calciati | Una collezione di monete di bronzo della Sicilia antica | 1995 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1996 | Romolo Calciati | Un bronzo di Akragas della serie aquila-granchio riconiato su Solous | 1996 | journal | Lugano |
Callataÿ - Iossif 2015 | François de Callataÿ Panagiotis Iossif |
Un tétradrachme de Lysimaque surfrappé sur une pièce d’Antiochos Ier à Sardes | 2015 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ - Mattheeuws 1993 | Caroline Mattheeuws François de Callataÿ |
A propos d'une série exceptionnelle de grands bronzes thasiens (fin IVe-début IIIe siècle) | 1993 | journal | Athens |
Callataÿ - Prokopov 1994 | François de Callataÿ Ilya Prokopov |
A late alexander of Mesembria overstruck over Athens (Rudnik hoard) | 1994 | journal | London |
Callataÿ - Prokopov 1994b | François de Callataÿ Ilya Prokopov |
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The Boljarino Hoard (IGCH 975 - near Plovdiv) | 1995 | journal | Brussels |
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Callataÿ 1993a | François de Callataÿ | Les tétradrachmes hellénistiques de Tripolis | 1993 | journal | Lugano |
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Callataÿ 1994c | François de Callataÿ | Les tétradrachmes d'Orodès II et de Phraate IV. Etude du rythme de leur production monétaire à la lumière d'une grande trouvaille | 1994 | monograph | Paris |
Callataÿ 1995 | François de Callataÿ | Les derniers statères posthumes de Lysimaque émis à Istros, Tomis et Callatis | 1995 | proceedings | Dobrich |
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Callataÿ 1996 | François de Callataÿ | Abydos sur Aesillas | 1996 | festschrift | Athens |
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Callataÿ 1997a | François de Callataÿ | L'histoire des guerres mithridatiques vue par les monnaies | 1997 | monograph | Louvain-la-Neuve |
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Callataÿ 2000 | François de Callataÿ | Un “octobole” de Pyrrhus surfrappé sur un statère de type corinthien. Réflexions sur les masses monnayées par Pyrrhus en or et en argent | 2000 | journal | Rome |
Callataÿ 2000b | François de Callataÿ | Les monnayages ciliciens du premier quart du IVe s. av. J.-C | 2000 | proceedings | Paris |
Callataÿ 2000c | François de Callataÿ | Les taux de survie des émissions monétaires antiques, médiévales et modernes. Essai de mise en perspective et conséquence quant à la productivité des coins dans l’Antiquité', RN, pp. 87-109. | 2000 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ 2002 | François de Callataÿ | La production des tétradrachmes civiques de la Cilicie jusqu’à la Palestine à la fin du IIe et dans la première moitié du Ier s. av. J.-C. (Elaiussa Sébasté, Aigeai, Séleucie-de-Piérie, Laodicée, Arados, Tripolis, Sidon, Tyr, Ascalon) | 2002 | proceedings | Beirut |
Callataÿ 2004a | François de Callataÿ | Le monnayage d’argent émis par les Ainianes au type d’Athéna Parthénos | 2004 | proceedings | Athens |
Callataÿ 2004b | François de Callataÿ | Le premier monnayage de la cité d'Amastris (Paphlagonie) | 2004 | journal | Genève |
Callataÿ 2005 | François de Callataÿ | L’instauration par Ptolémée Ier Sôter d’une économie monétaire fermée | 2005 | proceedings | Alexandria |
Callataÿ 2005b | François de Callataÿ | A quantitative survey of Hellenistic coinages: recent achievements | 2005 | collective book | Oxford |
Callataÿ 2007 | François de Callataÿ | La révision de la chronologie des bronzes de Mithridate Eupator et ses conséquences sur la datation des monnayages et des sites du Bosphore Cimmérien | 2007 | proceedings | Bordeaux |
Callataÿ 2007b | François de Callataÿ | Les monnaies en argent d’Oinoanda : après Apamée (188 av. J.-C.) ou après Mithridate (85-82 av. J.-C.) ? | 2007 | collective book | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Callataÿ 2009 | François de Callataÿ | The first royal coinages of Pontus (from Mithridates III to Mithridates V) | 2009 | proceedings | Aarhus |
Callataÿ 2012 | François de Callataÿ | A Thasian type tetradrachm with the legend ΘΡΑΚΩΝ overstruck on an Athenian stephanephoros tetradrachm of ΑΠΕΛΛΙΚΩΝ ΓΟΡΓΙΑΣ (88/87 BC) and its consequences | 2012 | festschrift | Veliko Tarnovo |
Callataÿ 2012b | François de Callataÿ | Les statères de Pergame et les réquisitions d’Alexandre le Grand (‘Abydos’, Kios et Rhodes) : l’apport d’un nouveau trésor (‘Pergame 2004’) | 2012 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ 2013 | François de Callataÿ | Byzantion over Mithradates Eupator. How the Pontic king paid his Thracian mercenaries after the treaty of Dardanos | 2013 | journal | Krakow |
Callataÿ 2014 | François de Callataÿ | Revisiting a numismatic corpus: the case of Eupator, last king of Pontus | 2014 | proceedings | Antalya |
Callataÿ 2014b | François de Callataÿ | Georges Le Rider | 2014 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 2014c | François de Callataÿ | Éloge de Georges Le Rider | 2014 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 2015a | François de Callataÿ | The late Hellenistic didrachms of Leukas: another case of Greek coinage for the Roman army | 2015 | festschrift | New York |
Callataÿ 2016 | François de Callataÿ | Les statères d’Aspendos du IVe s. Un curieux accident de frappe, une intrigante étude de coins (pour la variété avec les lettres KI) et une exceptionnelle signature de graveur | 2016 | journal | San Giuliano Terme |
Callataÿ 2017 | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes of late Mesambrian Alexanders: the great unbalance of their distribution and what they tell us about the logic behind | 2017 | festschrift | Sofia |
Callataÿ 2017/2018 | François de Callataÿ | L’argent monnayé par les cités phéniciennes avant l’arrivée d’Alexandre le Grand. Une mise en perspective de son ampleur et de sa finalité à partir des données tirées de trois monographies récentes (Byblos, Sidon et Tyr) | 2018 | journal | Switzerland |
Callataÿ 2017b | François de Callataÿ | Greek Overstrikes Database: a short presentation | 2017 | proceedings | Messina |
Callataÿ 2018a | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes in the Greek world: an overview on the full landscape and an explanation for punctual occurrences with silver coinages | 2018 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 2018b | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes on Pamphylian and Cilician silver sigloi (5th-4th c. BC) | 2018 | proceedings | Antalya |
Callataÿ 2020a | François de Callataÿ | Prolegomena to a die-study of the electrum coinage of Cyzicus | 2020 | proceedings | New York; Jerusalem |
Callataÿ 2020b | François de Callataÿ | A new look at the coinage in the name of Aesillas: coin circulation, ancient historiography, overstrikes and technical peculiarities (size of the dies, recut dies, graffiti, pierced coins, and modern counterfeits) | 2020 | proceedings | Athens |
Callataÿ 2020c | François de Callataÿ | Remelted or overstruck: cases of monetary damnatio memoriae in Hellenistic times. Did Hellenistic kings have ever tried to eradicate the coin images of their enemies? | 2020 | proceedings | Toronto |
Callataÿ 2021a | François de Callataÿ | On pattern and purpose of overstrikes of late Hellenistic tetradrachms in Thrace and Macedonia | 2021 | proceedings | Berlin |
Callataÿ 2021b | François de Callataÿ | A Tyrian Note. Overstruck Alexander Tetradrachms from Tyre: an Exception that twice Confirms the Rule | 2021 | festschrift | Leuven |
Callataÿ 2022 | François de Callataÿ | Pseudo-Civic not Civic: The Abundant Double Sigloi Struck by Pamphylian and Cilician Cities (ca 460–333 B.C.E.) | 2022 | journal | Toronto |
Callataÿ 2023 | François de Callataÿ | The Yehud Coinage: An Essay on Quantification | 2023 | monograph | Jerusalem |
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SNG Copenhagen 17 | Einar Munksgaard | SNG Copenhagen 17. Argolis - Arcadia - Crete - Aegean Islands | 1944 | monograph | Copenhagen |
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SNG Copenhagen Lycia-Pamphylia | Niels Breitenstein | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Royal Collections of coins and medals. Danish National Museum, 31, Lycia-Pamphylia. | 1955 | collection catalogue | Copenhagen |
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SNG Copenhagen Mysia | Niels Breitenstein | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Danish National Museum. 19. Mysia | 1945 | monograph | Copenhagen |
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SNG Copenhagen Troas | Niels Breitenstein | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Royal Collection of Coins and Medals. Danish National Museum. 20. Troas | 1945 | collection catalogue monograph |
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SNG Fitzwilliam I | Louis C. G. Clarke | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. Great Britain. Vol. 4 : Fitzwilliam Museum : Leake and general collections. Part 1, Spain (Emporiae, Rhoda)-Italy | 1940 | collection catalogue | |
SNG France 2 | Edoardo Levante | Sylloge nummorum graecorum. France 2. Cabinet des Médailles : Cilicie | 1993 | collection catalogue | Paris |
SNG France 3 | Edoardo Levante | Sylloge nummorum graecorum. France 3. Cabinet des Médailles : Pamphylie, Pisidie, Lycaonie, Galatie | 1994 | collection catalogue | Paris; Zürich |
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SNG Keckman | Richard Ashton Ulla Westermark |
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SNG Morcom | Martin J. Price | Sylloge nummorum graecorum. Great Britain. Vol. X : The John Morcom collection of Western Greek bronze coins | 1995 | collection catalogue | London; Oxford |
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SNG München 10-11 (Makedonien: Könige) | Katerini Liampi | SNG München 10-11 (Makedonien: Könige) | 2011 | monograph | Munich |
SNG Paris Mysia | Edoardo Levante | Sylloge nummorum graecorum. France. 5, Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques : Mysie | 2001 | monograph | Paris; Zürich |
SNG Pushkin I | Sergei A. Kovalenko | Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Russia : State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts | 2011 | collection catalogue | Leuven; Paris; Walpole, MA |
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SNG von Aulock Karien | Hans von Aulock Konrad Kraft |
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SNG von Aulock Kilikien | Hans von Aulock Willy Schwabacher |
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SNG von Aulock Lydien | Hans von Aulock Konrad Kraft |
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SNG von Aulock Lykien | Hans von Aulock Otto Mørkholm |
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SNG von Aulock Mysien | Hans von Aulock Peter Robert Franke |
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Berlin |
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SNG von Aulock Suppl. II | Hans von Aulock Peter Robert Franke |
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SNG von Post | Christof Boehringer | Sylloge nummorum graecorum. Sweden I:2 : Sammlung Eric von Post | 1995 | monograph | Stockholm |
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