Greek Overstrikes Literature
Literature | AuthorAuthor of the document. | TitleTitel of the book. | YearYear of the literature reference ᵖ | TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) ᵖ | PlacePlace of publication of the book, composition of the document or institution. |
Allotte de la Fuÿe 1904 | François-Maurice Allotte de la Fuÿe | Monnaies arsacides surfrappées | 1904 | journal | Paris |
Anokhin 1977 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Monetnoe delo Khersonesa IV v. do n.ė. - XII v. n.ė (= Coinage in the Chersonesus area, IVth c. B.C. - XIIth c. A.D.) | 1977 | monograph | Kiev |
Anokhin 1986 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Monetnoe delo Bospora | 1986 | monograph | Kiev |
Anokhin 2011 | Vladilen Afanasʹevich Anokhin | Antique coins of the Northern Black Sea coastal region : catalog | 2011 | collection catalogue | Kiev |
Arnold-Biucchi 1992 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | The beginnings of coinage in the West. Archaic Selinus. | 1992 | festschrift | Stockholm |
Arnold-Biucchi 1996 | Carmen Arnold-Biucchi | Riconiazioni siciliane | 1996 | journal | Lugano |
Arslan 1998 | Melih Arslan | A hoard of bronze coins of Lysimachia | 1998 | festschrift | Berlin |
Arslan 1999 | Melih Arslan | A hoard of bronze coins of Lysimachia | 1999 | journal | Ankara |
Artru 2024 | Jérémy Artru | Carthage : monnaie et histoire, de la prise de Sélinonte à la révolte lybienne (409-237 av. n.-è.) | 2024 | doctoral dissertation | Orléans |
Arévalo González 1990 | Alicia Arévalo González | Análisis de las reacuñaciones sobre Obulco | 1990 | journal | Madrid |
Ashton - Kinns 2003 | Richard Ashton Philip Kinns |
Opuscula Anatolica II. Iv. A Rhodes on Chios overstrike | 2003 | journal | London |
Ashton 1998 | Richard Ashton | The coins of the Macedonian kings, Lysimachos and Eupolemos in the Museums of Fethiye and Afyon | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Ashton 2002 | Richard Ashton | A Sinope-Kos or Kos-Sinope overstrike | 2002 | journal | London |
Ashton 2003 | Richard Ashton | A Rhodes on Chios overstrike | 2003 | journal | London |
Babelon 1890 | Ernest Babelon | Les Rois de Syrie, d 'Arménie, et de Commagène | 1890 | journal | Paris |
Babelon 1893 | Ernest Babelon | Les Perses achéménides, les satrapes et les dynastes tributaires de leur empire : Chypre & Phénicie | 1893 | monograph | Paris |
Babelon 1901 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines. Tome Premier. Première partie, théorie et doctrine. | 1901 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Babelon 1924 | Jean Babelon | Catalogue de la collection de Luynes : monnaies grecques | 1924 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Babelon 1932 | Ernest Babelon | Traité des monnaies grecques et romaines, 2 Description historique t.4. | 1932 | monograph | Paris |
Bahrfeldt 1904 | Max von Bahrfeldt | Die Römisch-Sicilischen Münzen aus der zeit der Republik | 1907 | journal | Genova |
Balcer 1978 | Jack M. Balcer | The archaic coinage of Skyros and the forgeries of Konstantinos Christodoulos. | 1978 | journal | Genève |
Barbara 2015 | Sébastien Barbara | An Anepigraphic Bronze Close to the Pergamene Issue with Types Athena/Coiled Snake | 2015 | proceedings | Antalya |
Bauslaugh 1987 | Robert A. Bauslaugh | Two unpublished overstrikes: new style Athens and Aesillas the Quaestor | 1987 | journal | New York |
Bauslaugh 2000 | Robert A. Bauslaugh | Silver coinage with the types of Aesillas the Quaestor | 2000 | monograph | New York |
Bedoukian 1978 | Paul Z. Bedoukian | Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia | 1978 | book | London |
Betlyon 1982 | John Wilson Betlyon | The coinage and mints of Phoenicia : the pre-Alexandrine period | 1982 | doctoral dissertation | Chico |
Bloesch 1957 | Hansjörg Bloesch | Die Löwen von Skione | 1957 | journal | Basel |
BMC Arabia | George Francis Hill | Catalogue of the Greek coins of Arabia, Mesopotamia and Persia (Nabataea, Arabia Provincia, S. Arabia, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, Alexandrine empire of the East, Persis, Elymais, Characene) | 1922 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Caria | Barclay Vincent Head | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XV : Caria, Cos, Rhodes, etc. | 1897 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Crete | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. X : Crete and the Aegean Islands | 1886 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Cyrenaica | E. S. G. Robinson | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXIX : Cyrenaica | 1927 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Galatia | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXI : Galatia, Cappadocia, and Syria | 1899 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Lycia | George Francis Hill | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XVIII : Lycia, Pamphylia, Pisidia | 1897 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Pontus | Warwick William Wroth | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XI : Pontus, Paphlagonia, Bithynia, and The Kingdom of Bosporus | 1889 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Seleucid kings of Syria | Percy Gardner | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. XXII : The Seleucid kings of Syria | 1878 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Sicily | Reginald Stuart Poole | A Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. Sicily | 1876 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Thessaly | Percy Gardner | A Catalogue of the Greek coins in the British Museum. vol. V : Thessaly to Aetolia | 1883 | collection catalogue | London |
BMC Troas | Wroth, Warwick William | A Catalog of the Greek Coins in the British Museum. vol XIII : Troas, Aeolis and Lesbos | 1894 | journal | London |
BMCRR | Herbert A. Grueber | Coins of the Roman Republic in the British museum | 1910 | collection catalogue | London |
Boehringer 1997 | Christof Boehringer | Konkordanz und Nachtrag zum Muenzfund von Selinunte 1923 (IGCH 2084) | 1997 | journal | Genova |
Boehringer 1998 | Christof Boehringer | Zur Muenzgeschichte von Leontinoi in klassischer Zeit | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Bopearachchi - Landes - Sachs 2003 | Osmund Bopearachchi Christian Landes Christine Sachs |
De l'Indus à l'Oxus : archéologie de l'Asie centrale : catalogue de l'exposition | 2003 | collection catalogue | Lattes |
Bopearachchi - Pieper 1998 | Osmund Bopearachchi Wilfried Pieper |
Ancient and Indian Coins | 1998 | monograph | Turnhout |
Bopearachchi - Pieper 2004 | Osmund Bopearachchi Wilfried Pieper |
Over-struck and double-struck | 2004 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi - ur Rahman 1995 | Osmund Bopearachchi Aman ur Rahman |
Pre-Kushana coins in Pakistan | 1995 | collection catalogue | Karachi |
Bopearachchi 1989 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Monnaies indo-grecques surfrappées | 1989 | journal | Paris |
Bopearachchi 1995 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Indian Brahman on a coin of Indo-Greek Telephus | 1995 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 1995b | Osmund Bopearachchi | Découvertes récentes de trésors indo-grecs : nouvelles données historiques | 1995 | collective book | Paris |
Bopearachchi 2000 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Two unreported coins from the second Mir Zakah deposit | 2000 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2001 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Some interesting coins from the Pandayale hoard | 2001 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2002 | Osmund Bopearachchi | Diomedes overstruck by Agathocleia | 2002 | journal | London |
Bopearachchi 2008 | Osmund Bopearachchi | L'apport des surfrappes à la reconstruction de l'histoire des Indo-Grecs | 2008 | journal | Paris |
Bopearachchi 2011 | Osmund Bopearachchi | New numismatic evidence on the chronology of late Indo-Greeks and Early Kushans | 2011 | proceedings | Shangaï |
Bourrieau 2019 | Pierre Bourrieau | Les drachmes surfrappées d’Andriscos (ca 150-148) : des monnaies entre Rome, la Macédoine et la Thrace | 2019 | journal | Paris |
Breglia 1949 | Laura Breglia | A proposito di riconiazioni | 1949 | journal | Naples |
Bubelis 2004-2005 | William S. Bubelis | An overstruck stater of the Cypriot kingdom of Salamis | 2005 | journal | New York |
Burnett - Crawford 1998 | Andrew M. Burnett Michael H. Crawford |
Overstrikes at Neapolis and coinage at Poseidonia-Paestum | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Calciati 1983 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, I | 1983 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1986 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, II | 1986 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1987 | Romolo Calciati | Corpus nummorum siculorum. La monetazione di bronzo/The bronze coinage, III | 1987 | monograph | Milan |
Calciati 1996 | Romolo Calciati | Un bronzo di Akragas della serie aquila-granchio riconiato su Solous | 1996 | journal | Lugano |
Callataÿ - Iossif 2015 | François de Callataÿ Panagiotis Iossif |
Un tétradrachme de Lysimaque surfrappé sur une pièce d’Antiochos Ier à Sardes | 2015 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ - Mattheeuws 1993 | François de Callataÿ Caroline Mattheeuws |
A propos d'une série exceptionnelle de grands bronzes thasiens (fin IVe-début IIIe siècle) | 1993 | journal | Athens |
Callataÿ - Prokopov 1994 | François de Callataÿ Ilya Prokopov |
A late alexander of Mesembria overstruck over Athens (Rudnik hoard) | 1994 | journal | London |
Callataÿ - Prokopov 1994b | François de Callataÿ Ilya Prokopov |
An overstrike of a Hellenistic Tetradrachm of Thasian type on Athens in the Popina Hoard ("IGCH" 930) | 1994 | journal | Athens |
Callataÿ - Prokopov 1995 | François de Callataÿ Ilya Prokopov |
The Boljarino Hoard (IGCH 975 - near Plovdiv) | 1995 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 1986 | François de Callataÿ | Une surfrappe inédite de Maronée sur Ténédos | 1986 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ 1987b | François de Callataÿ | Certains alexandres de Mésembria et le problème des imitations | 1987 | journal | Paris |
Callataÿ 1991 | François de Callataÿ | Un tétradrachme de Mithridate surfrappé à Maronée | 1991 | journal | Lugano |
Callataÿ 1991b | François de Callataÿ | Le roi thrace Mostis et une surfrappe d'un alexandre tardif de Mésembria | 1991 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 1993b | François de Callataÿ | Un tétradrachme hellénistique de Ténédos surfrappé sur Thasos | 1993 | journal | Basel |
Callataÿ 1996 | François de Callataÿ | Abydos sur Aesillas | 1996 | festschrift | Athens |
Callataÿ 1996b | François de Callataÿ | Les monnaies au nom d'Aesillas | 1996 | festschrift | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Callataÿ 1997a | François de Callataÿ | L'histoire des guerres mithridatiques vue par les monnaies | 1997 | monograph | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Callataÿ 1998 | François de Callataÿ | Les monnaies hellénistiques en argent de Ténédos | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Callataÿ 2000 | François de Callataÿ | Un “octobole” de Pyrrhus surfrappé sur un statère de type corinthien. Réflexions sur les masses monnayées par Pyrrhus en or et en argent | 2000 | journal | Rome |
Callataÿ 2007 | François de Callataÿ | La révision de la chronologie des bronzes de Mithridate Eupator et ses conséquences sur la datation des monnayages et des sites du Bosphore Cimmérien | 2007 | proceedings | Bordeaux |
Callataÿ 2012 | François de Callataÿ | A Thasian type tetradrachm with the legend ΘΡΑΚΩΝ overstruck on an Athenian stephanephoros tetradrachm of ΑΠΕΛΛΙΚΩΝ ΓΟΡΓΙΑΣ (88/87 BC) and its consequences | 2012 | festschrift | Veliko Tarnovo |
Callataÿ 2013 | François de Callataÿ | Byzantion over Mithradates Eupator. How the Pontic king paid his Thracian mercenaries after the treaty of Dardanos | 2013 | journal | Krakow |
Callataÿ 2017 | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes of late Mesambrian Alexanders: the great unbalance of their distribution and what they tell us about the logic behind | 2017 | festschrift | Sofia |
Callataÿ 2017b | François de Callataÿ | Greek Overstrikes Database: a short presentation | 2017 | proceedings | Messina |
Callataÿ 2018a | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes in the Greek world: an overview on the full landscape and an explanation for punctual occurrences with silver coinages | 2018 | journal | Brussels |
Callataÿ 2018b | François de Callataÿ | Overstrikes on Pamphylian and Cilician silver sigloi (5th-4th c. BC) | 2018 | proceedings | Antalya |
Callataÿ 2020b | François de Callataÿ | A new look at the coinage in the name of Aesillas: coin circulation, ancient historiography, overstrikes and technical peculiarities (size of the dies, recut dies, graffiti, pierced coins, and modern counterfeits) | 2020 | proceedings | Athens |
Callataÿ 2020c | François de Callataÿ | Remelted or overstruck: cases of monetary damnatio memoriae in Hellenistic times. Did Hellenistic kings have ever tried to eradicate the coin images of their enemies? | 2020 | proceedings | Toronto |
Callataÿ 2021a | François de Callataÿ | On pattern and purpose of overstrikes of late Hellenistic tetradrachms in Thrace and Macedonia | 2021 | proceedings | Berlin |
Callataÿ 2021b | François de Callataÿ | A Tyrian Note. Overstruck Alexander Tetradrachms from Tyre: an Exception that twice Confirms the Rule | 2021 | festschrift | Leuven |
Campana 1992-2003 | Alberto Campana | Corpus Nummorum Antiquae Italiae | 1992 | journal | San Marino |
Campana 2018b | Alberto Campana | La monetazione di Filippo VI Andrisco e un importante riconio su denario romano | 2018 | journal | Cassino |
Campana 2018f | Alberto Campana | La monetazione di Filippo VI Andrisco e un importante riconio su denario romano | 2018 | journal | Cassino |
Carbone 2018 | Federico Carbone | Riconiazioni e cambi d’uso nella moneta di Paestum | 2018 | proceedings | Paestum |
Carradice - La Niece 1988 | Ian A. Carradice Susan La Niece |
The Libyan War and Coinage: a New Hoard and the Evidence of Metal Analysis | 1988 | journal | London |
Carter 1993 | Candace Carter | The staters of Leucas : a numismatic and historical study | 1993 | proceedings | Rome |
Castrizio 2000 | Daniele Castrizio | La monetazione mercenariale in Sicilia. Strategie economiche e territoriali tra Dionisio I e Timoleonte, Soveria Mannelli 2000 | 2000 | monograph | Catanzaro |
Chabot 1981 | Louis Chabot | Un tétrobole massaliète surfrappé sur un denier de Caius Aburius Geminus : Pécule de la Case 1 K8 de l'oppidum celto-ligure de La Cloche-B. du Rh (France) | 1981 | journal | Barcelona |
Chameroy 2016 | Jérémie Chameroy | Manipulating Late Hellenistic Coinage: Some Overstrikes and Countermarks on Bronze Coins of Pergamum | 2016 | journal | Munich |
CMRR | Michael H. Crawford | Coinage and money under the Roman Republic : Italy and the Mediterranean economy. | 1985 | monograph | Berkeley |
Collantes 1969-1970 | Esteban Collantes Vidal | Reacuñaciones en la moneda ibérica | 1970 | journal | Barcelona |
Collection R. Jameson | Robert Jameson | Collection R. Jameson | 1913 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Cunningham 1869 | Alexander Cunningham | Coins of Alexander's Successors in the East | 1869 | journal | London |
Cunningham 1884 | Alexander Cunningham | Coins of Alexander's Successors in the East | 1884 | monograph | London |
Davesne - Le Rider 1989 | Alain Davesne Georges Le Rider |
Le trésor de Meydancikhale (Cilicie Trachée, 1980) | 1989 | book | Paris |
De Lisle 2021 | Christopher Mark de Lisle | Agathokles of Syracuse: Sicilian tyrant and Hellenistic king | 2021 | monograph | Oxford |
Destrooper-Georgiades 1998 | Anne Destrooper-Georgiades | Un bronze surfrappé de Ptolémée Ier/Démétrios Poliorcète trouvé dans les fouilles de l'Université d'Arizona à Dali (Chypre) | 1998 | festschrift | Berlin |
Destrooper-Georgiades 2013 | Anne Destrooper-Georgiades | Monnaies chypriotes surfrappées des cités-royaumes | 2013 | festschrift | Uppsala |
Dima 2014 | Mihai Dima | The silver coinage of Istros during the hellenistic period | 2014 | monograph | Wetteren |
Duyrat 2000 | Frédérique Duyrat | Arados et la guerre de 333 à 37 avant notre ère | 2000 | journal | Paris |
Ellis-Evans 2020 | Aneurin Ellis-Evans | The late Hellenistic tetradrachms of Parion and Lampsakos | 2020 | journal | New York |
Fischer-Bossert 1999 | Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert | Chronologie der Didrachmenprägung von Tarent, 510-280 v. Chr. | 1999 | monograph | Berlin |
Fischer-Bossert 2016 | Wolfgang Fischer-Bossert | Leontinoi, Selinus, Katane : zwei Überprägungen | 2016 | festschrift | Ragusa |
Flament 2007 | Christophe Flament | Le monnayage en argent d'Athènes : de l'époque archaïque à l'époque hellénistique (c. 550-c. 40 av. J.-C.). | 2007 | monograph | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Forteleoni 1971-1972 | Lorenzo Forteleoni | Riconiazioni romane di monete puniche in Sardegna | 1972 | journal | Rome |
Foss 1986 | Clive Foss | The Coinage of Tigranes the Great: Problems, Suggestions and a New Find | 1986 | journal | London |
Foster - Hackens 1969 | E. Foster Tony Hackens |
Decco metal detector survey on Delos | 1969 | journal | Oxford |
Friedländer 1877 | Julius Friedländer | Überprägte antike Münzen | 1877 | journal | Berlin |
Fritze 1917 | Hans von Fritze | Die autonome kupferpragung von Kyzikos. Eine chronologische Studie | 1917 | journal | Berlin |
Frolova - Ireland 2002 | Nina A. Frolova Stanley Ireland |
The coinage of the Bosporan Kingdom : from the first century BC to the middle of the first century AD | 2002 | monograph | Oxford |
Fröhlich 2008 | Christine Fröhlich | Monnaies indo-scythes et indo-parthes du Département des monnaies, médailles et antiques : catalogue raisonné | 2008 | collection catalogue | Paris |
Gabrici 1935 | Ettore Gabrici | Monete antiche riconiate. Magna Grecia e Sicilia | 1935 | journal | Rome |
Gabrici 1947 | Ettore Gabrici | La riconiazione del bronzo studiata in rapporto con la riduzione dell'asse nell'Italia e nella Sicilia | 1947 | journal | Naples |
Gaebler 1906 | Hugo Gaebler | Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands, unter Leitung von F. Imhoof-Blumer. Band III, Makedonia und Paionia. 1. Abt. | 1906 | monograph | Berlin |
Garcia Garrido - Lalana 1981 | Manuel Garcia Garrido Luis Lalana |
Reacuñaciones en la Hispania Antigua | 1981 | journal | Barcelona |
Garcia Garrido 1983 | Manuel Garcia Garrido | Reacuñaciones en la Hispania Antigua: II | 1983 | journal | Barcelona |
Gardner - Head 1877 | Percy Gardner Barclay Vincent Head |
Catalogue of Greek coins. The Tauric Cheronese, Sarmatia, Dacia, Moesia, Thrace, etc. | 1877 | collection catalogue | London |
Garraffo 1982 | Salvatore Garraffo | Per la cronologia dei 'Cavalieri' tarantini dei periodi I-IV Evans. | 1982 | journal | Milan |
Garraffo 1984 | Salvatore Garraffo | Le riconiazioni in Magna Grecia e in Sicilia. Emissioni argentee dal VI al IV secolo a.C. | 1984 | monograph | Catania |
Garraffo 1989 | Salvatore Garraffo | Riconiazioni e cronologie in Magna Grecia | 1989 | festschrift | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Garraffo 1993 | Salvatore Garraffo | La monetazione dell'età dionigiana : contromarche e riconiazioni | 1993 | journal | Rome |
Garraffo 2003 | Salvatore Garraffo | Nuove riconiazioni in Magna Grecia e Sicilia | 2003 | festschrift | Rome |
Gatzolis 2012 | Christos Gatzolis | A re-examination of the bronze coinage of Alexander III and Cassander in the light of new excavation and hoard evidence | 2012 | collective book | Thessalonique |
Gitler - Tal 2016 | Haim Gitler Oren Tal |
Reclassifying Persian-Period Philistian Coins: Some New Identifications | 2016 | journal | Jerusalem |
Gitler 2021 | Haim Gitler | Between the Borders. A Coin of Gaza Overstruck on an Edomite rb‘ sheqel (‘drachm’) | 2021 | festschrift | Warsaw |
Golenko 1964 | Konstantin V. Golenko | Denezhnoe obrashchenie Kolkhidy v Rimskoe vremi͡a = (The monetary circulation of Colchis during the Roman period). | 1964 | monograph | Leningrad |
Gonella 1995 | Robert Gonnella | Ein überprägtes Tetradrachmon des Vonones I (8 bis 12 n. Chr.) | 1995 | journal | Basel |
Gorini 1982 | Giovanni Gorini | Monete greche riconiate in Illiria | 1982 | proceedings | Bern |
Gorini 1985 | Giovanni Gorini | La collezione di monete greche di Paolo Orsi : catalogo | 1985 | collection catalogue | Rovereto |
Gorini 1987 | Giovanni Gorini | Riconiazioni di Crotone su didracme di Agrigento | 1987 | journal | Rome |
Grose 1916 | Sidney William Grose | Some rare coins of Magna Graecia | 1916 | journal | London |
Grose 1923-29 | Sidney William Grose | Catalogue of the McClean collection of Greek coins | 1923 | collection catalogue | Cambridge |
Grose 1979 | Sidney William Grose | Catalogue of the McClean collection of Greek coins | 1979 | collection catalogue | Chicago |
Gökyıldırım 2008 | Turan Gökyıldırım | Etenna Definesi | 2008 | festschrift | Antalya |
Hardwick 1998 | Nicholas Hardwick | The coinage of Terone from the fifth to the fourth centuries B.C. | 1998 | festschrift | London |
Hendin - Shachar 2008 | David Hendin Ilan Shachar |
The Identity of YNTN on Hasmonean Overstruck Coins and the Chronology of the Alexander Jannaeus Types | 2008 | journal | Jerusalem |
Hendin 1993 | David Hendin | Kochba bronze struck over Ptolemaic coin | 1993 | journal | Lodi (Wisconsin) |
Hendin 2001 | David Hendin | Guide to Biblical Coins | 2001 | manual | New York |
Hersh 1953 | Charles A. Hersch | Overstrikes as evidence for the history of Roman Republican coinage | 1953 | journal | London |
Hersh 1987 | Charles A. Hersch | Some additional Roman Republican overstrikes | 1987 | journal | New York |
Hill 1914 | George Francis Hill | Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1913 | 1914 | journal | London |
Hoover - MacDonald 1999-2000 | Oliver D. Hoover David MacDonald |
Syrian imitations of New Style Athenian tetradrachms struck over Myrina | 2000 | journal | Beirut |
Hoover 2009 | Oliver D. Hoover | The camels of Natounia | 2009 | journal | Bern |
Hurter 1992 | Silvia Hurter | Teos over Tanagra | 1992 | festschrift | Stockholm |
Ierardi 1995 | Michael Ierardi | The tetradrachms of Agathocles of Syracuse : a preliminary study | 1995 | journal | New York |
Ignarra 1770 | Niccolò Ignarra | Commentarius de Palaestra Neapolitana | 1770 | monograph | Naples |
Imhoof-Blumer 1878 | Friedrich Imhoof-Blumer | Griechische ueberpraegungen | 1878 | journal | Berlin |
Ireland 2000 | Stanley Ireland | Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins in the Museum at Amasya (ancient Amaseia), Turkey | 2000 | monograph | London |
Jenkins 1951 | Gilbert Kenneth Jenkins | Notes on Seleucid coins | 1951 | journal | London |
Jenkins 1955 | Gilbert Kenneth Jenkins | Indo-Scythic mints | 1955 | journal | Bombay |
Jenkins 1973 | Gilbert Kenneth Jenkins | Some Indo-Greek Tetradrachms | 1973 | journal | Bombay |
Jenkins 1997 | Gilbert Kenneth Jenkins | Coins of Punic Sicily | 1997 | monograph | Zurich |
Kapossy 1993 | Balázs Kapossy | Münzen der Antike : Katalog der Sammlung Jean-Pierre Righetti im Bernischen Historischen Museum | 1993 | monograph | Bern |
Karayotov 1992 | Ivan Karayotov | Mонетосеченето на Mесамбрия | 1992 | book | Burgas |
Karayotov 1994 | Ivan Karayotov | The coinage of Mesambria. vol. 1 : silver and gold coins of Mesambria | 1994 | book | Sozopol |
Kazamanova 1969 | Liudmila Nikolaevna Kazamanova | Vvedenie v antichnuiu numizmatiku | 1969 | monograph | Moscow |
Kinns 2003 | Philip Kinns | A Teos on Ephesus overstrike | 2003 | journal | London |
Kinns 2004 | Philip Kinns | The pre-Imperial coinage of Metropolis in Ionia | 2004 | journal | London |
Kirkpatrick 1975 | C. Kirkpatrick | Heliocles II, fact or fiction | 1975 | journal | London |
Kleiner 1972 | Fred S. Kleiner | The dated Cistophori of Ephesus | 1972 | journal | New York |
Kleiner 1975 | Fred S. Kleiner | The earliest Athenian new style bronze coins : some evidence from the Athenian Agora. | 1975 | journal | Athens |
Kleiner 1975b | Fred S. Kleiner | Greek and Roman coins in the Athenian Agora. | 1975 | monograph | Princeton |
Kleiner 1976 | Fred S. Kleiner | The Agora Excavations and Athenian Bronze Coinage, 200-86 B.C. | 1976 | journal | Athens |
Klose 1985 | Dietrich O. A. Klose | Ein Schatzfund hellenistischer Bronzemünzen aus Abydos | 1985 | journal | Berlin |
Knight 1830 | Richard Payne Knight | Nummi Veteres Civitatum, Regum, Gentium, et Provinciarum, Londini in Museo Ricardi Payne Knight Asservati, ab ipso Ordine Geographico Descripti. | 1830 | collection catalogue | London |
Kourempanas 2011 | Theodoros Kourempanas | Les monnayages de bronze en Macédoine après la fin de la monarchie | 2011 | proceedings | Athens |
Kourempanas 2013 | Theodoros Kourempanas | A coin of Amphipolis of Imperial Roman times overstruck on a Hellenistic coin from Thessaloniki | 2013 | festschrift | Athens |
Kourempanas 2015 | Theodoros Kourempanas | Two rare overstrikes of the late Hellenistic coins of Thessalonike" | 2015 | journal | Moscow |
Kraay 1969 | Colin M. Kraay | Fifth century overstrikes at Rhegium and Messana | 1969 | proceedings | Rome |
Kraay 1971 | Colin M. Kraay | The archaic coinage of Himera | 1971 | proceedings | Rome |
Kremydi-Sicilianou 2000 | Sophia Kremydi | Macedonia and Acarnania: Acarnanian coins struck on Macedonian bronzes | 2000 | collective book | Thessalonique |
Kroll 1993 | John H. Kroll | The Greek coins | 1993 | monograph | Princeton |
Köker 2018 | Hüseyin Köker | Overstruck Coins of Etenna | 2018 | proceedings | Antalya |
Lagos 2000 | Constantine Lagos | Two Second Century BC Bronze Hoards from the Black Sea | 2000 | journal | London |
Lampson 1923 | Godfrey Locker Lampson | Godfrey Locker Lampson | 1923 | collection catalogue | London |
Le Rider 1960 | Georges Le Rider | Monnaies grecques acquises par le Cabinet des Médailles en 1959 | 1960 | journal | Paris |
Le Rider 1965 | Georges Le Rider | Suse sous les Séleucides et les Parthes. Les trouvailles monétaires et l'histoire de la ville | 1965 | monograph | Paris |
Le Rider 1966 | Georges Le Rider | Monnaies crétoises du Ve au Ier siècle av. J.-C | 1966 | monograph | Paris |
Le Rider 1975 | Georges Le Rider | Contremarques et surfrappes dans l’Antiquité grecque | 1975 | proceedings | Nancy; Leuven |
Lederer 1939 | Philipp Lederer | Ein Sonderfall von Ueberprägung | 1939 | journal | Genève |
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