Diomedes Soter (Indo-Greek king, c. 115-105 BC)


Diomedes Soter was an Indo-Greek king. The places where his coins have been found seem to indicate that his rule was based in the area of the Paropamisadae, possibly with temporary dominions further east

Die Studies

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Overstriking coins

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Overstruck coins
Item Overstruck typeImage of the overstruck variety MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made. DateIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. Overstriking coinImage of the overstriking coin
2744 - Gandhara/Punjab (uncertain mint) (Agathocleia/Strato I) (AE Athena/Heracles) over Diomedes (Dioscuri/bull) (Bopearachchi 2008, 3) Diomedes Dioscuroi bull 1.jpeg Bronze 110 BC JL SO 2065 - Gandhara-Punjab (uncertain mint) (Agathocleia) (AE Athena-Heracles).png
3050 - Gandhara/Punjab (uncertain mint) (Strato I) (AE Heracles/Nike) over Diomedes (Dioscuri/bull) (CNG, MBS 60, May 2002, 1118) Diomedes Dioscuroi bull 1.jpeg Bronze 110 BC JL SO 2067.jpg

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