Euboean League


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Euboean League

Die Studies
Item Image MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made. WeightCarter 1983 * Median weight * 20000 (*10 if gold or electrum)
Eretria, silver, staters (411-404 BCE) AC186 Eretria.jpeg Silver 1,202 kg
Eretria, silver, tetradrachms (400-395 BCE) AC187 Eretria.jpeg Silver 1,696 kg
Eretria, silver, drachms (400-395 BCE) AC188 Eretria.jpeg Silver 1,094 kg
Euboea (uncertain mint) (Euboean League), silver, drachms (nymph Euboea/bull) (302-290 BCE) H147 Nymph Euboea bull.jpeg Silver 1,977 kg
S 729 - Eretria - supposed authority, silver, drachma, 368 Silver 0 kg
Overstriking coins

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Overstruck coins

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Euboean League
TypeType of authority.  League
Nomisma IDNomisma ID
