Elena Vlachogianni


  • 1967/09/03 Athens , overstrike; boeotia
Elena Vlachogianni
SILVER IDUnique ID of the page  1112
First nameFirst name(s) of the person. Elena
Last nameLast name of the person. Vlachogianni
Wikidata IDWikidata ID
Birth dateBirth date: day - month - year. September 3, 1967
Birth placePlace of birth of the person Athens 37.983940° N, 23.728310° E
Death dateDeath date: day - month - year.
Death placePlace of death of the person
KeywordsNumismatic Keywords  overstrike, boeotia
LinkLink to further Information https://namuseum.academia.edu/ElenaVlachogianni/CurriculumVitae
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Primary literatureYearYear of the literature reference TypeLiterature type (book, journal, etc.) TitleTitel of the book.
Vlachogianni 20002000journalA hoard of coins from Thebes: the problem of the Boitian overstrikes