3867 - Rome (uncertain mint) (AE Janiformhead over Canusium

SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 3867

225 BCE - 208 BCE | ROMA

Overstriking coin
Künker_922.jpg [1]
Overstruck variety
Ref_RRC_100_2.jpg [2]
Sale(s)Sale(s) : Fritz Rudolf Künker, 304, 19 March 2018, 922.
Private collection(s)Private collection(s) : Eberhard Link collection

Overstriking coin

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: Janus head. ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: ROMA (Latin) Prow of galley right.
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object.: Rome (uncertain mint) Ancient regionAncient region. Latium Modern countryModern country: Italy AuthorityIdentifies the issuing power. The authority can be "pretended" when the name or the portrait of X is on the coin but he/she was not the issuing power. It can also be "uncertain" when there is no mention of X on the coin but he/she was the issuing power according to the historical sources: Roman Republic
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 225 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 208 BCE Hellenistic 323-30 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made.: Bronze Nomisma.org WeightWeight of the numismatic object (in grams). in grams: 11.0311.03 g <br />11,030 mg <br /> DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius.: as Nomisma.org
Coin referenceReference of the Coin: Coin series referenceReference to coin series study: Bahrfeldt 19041Bahrfeldt 1904, n°20, RRC2RRC, p.108, n°28

Overstruck type

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: CA (Latin) Laureate head of Saturn, right. Behind, S ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: CA ROMA (Latin) Prow, right. Above, S
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object. : Canusium Ancient regionAncient region.  Apulia Modern countryModern country: Italy AuthorityIdentifies the authority in whose name (explicitly or implicitly) a numismatic object was issued. : Roman Republic
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 209 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 208 BCE Hellenistic 323-30 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius. : semis Nomisma.org
Coin type referenceReference to coin series study : Sydenham 19523Sydenham 1952, n°309b, RRC, n°100/2, RBW4RBW, n°448
Coin series web reference overstruckCoin series web references overstruck:
Additional data
Frequency of overstrikesFrequency of overstrikes: frequent Level of confidenceLevel of confidence of the identification: sure
RemarksRemarks: "Uncertain as overstruck on a semis with Cf). (no. 100/2). Bahrfeldt 20; Hersh 71." (Crawford 1974)


  1. ^  Bahrfeldt, Max von (1907), "Die Römisch-Sicilischen Münzen aus der zeit der Republik", Revue suisse de numismatique, vol. 24, p. 218-234.
  2. ^  Crawford, Michael H. (1974), Roman Republican Coinage, Cambridge
  3. ^  Sydenham, Edward Allen (1952), The Coinage of the Roman Republic, London, Spink & Son Ltd., lxix, 343 p., 30 pl.
  4. ^  Russo, Roberto (2013), The RBW Collection of Roman Republican Coins, Numismatica Ars Classica AG, p.407