26478 - Dacia (uncertain Roman mint) (denarius Roma/biga) over Apollonia (cow & calf/stellate pattern) (New York, ANS, 2015.20.2393)

SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 26478

109 BCE - 50 BCEROMA behind | IPLΛM[...] (L retrograde) below, CIIO in exergue

Overstriking coin
Rome_over_Apollonia_New_York, _ANS.jpg [1]
Overstruck variety
Museum collectionMuseum collection: New York, ANS, 2015.20.2393 Sale(s)Sale(s) : Classical Numismatic Group, 90, 23 May 2012, 780
Private collection(s)Private collection(s) : Rick B. Witschonke

Overstriking coin

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: ROMA behind (Latin) Helmeted head of Roma right ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: IPLΛM[...] (L retrograde) below, CIIO in exergue (Latin) Victory driving biga right
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object.: Dacia (uncertain Roman mint) Ancient regionAncient region. Dacia Modern countryModern country: Romania AuthorityIdentifies the issuing power. The authority can be "pretended" when the name or the portrait of X is on the coin but he/she was not the issuing power. It can also be "uncertain" when there is no mention of X on the coin but he/she was the issuing power according to the historical sources: Roman Republic
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 109 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 50 BCE Hellenistic 323-30 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made.: Silver Nomisma.org WeightWeight of the numismatic object (in grams). in grams: 2.942.94 g <br />2,940 mg <br /> DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius.: denarius Nomisma.org AxisDescribes the directional relationship between the obverse and reverse of a numismatic object.: 88 mm <br />0.8 cm <br />
DiameterDescribes diameter of an object (in mm).: 2020 mm <br />2 cm <br /> StandardStandard.: Roman
Coin referenceReference of the Coin: Coin series referenceReference to coin series study: Davis Class A1Davis Class A, group 1B, C51

Overstruck type

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: Cow suckling calf left. ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: Double stellate pattern within double linear square with sides curved inwards
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object. : Apollonia Ancient regionAncient region.  Illyricum Modern countryModern country: Albania AuthorityIdentifies the authority in whose name (explicitly or implicitly) a numismatic object was issued. : Roman Republic
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 200 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 150 BCE Hellenistic 323-30 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius. : drachma Nomisma.org
Coin type referenceReference to coin series study :
Coin series web reference overstruckCoin series web references overstruck:
Additional data
Frequency of overstrikesFrequency of overstrikes: exceptional Level of confidenceLevel of confidence of the identification: sure
RemarksRemarks: "Overstruck, possibly on a drachm of Apollonia or Dyrrhachion"


  1. ^ Davis Class A