2640 - Syracuse (10 litrai Persephone/Zeus) over uncertain type (Künker, Oct. 2008, 105 )

SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 2640


Overstriking coin
SO_190_-_Syracuse_(10_litrai_Persephone-Zeus).jpg [1]
Sale(s)Sale(s) : Künker, 143, 6 Oct. 2008, 105 ; Triton, 11, 08 Jan. 2008, 75.

Overstriking coin

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: Head of Persephone left, wearing earring, necklace and wreath of grain ears. In field, long torch. Border of dots. ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: ΣYPAKOΣIΩN (Greek) Zeus Strategos standing facing, head right, wearing himation, holding scepter. To left, XAP above eagle flying .
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object.: Syracuse Ancient regionAncient region. Sicily Modern countryModern country: Italy AuthorityIdentifies the issuing power. The authority can be "pretended" when the name or the portrait of X is on the coin but he/she was not the issuing power. It can also be "uncertain" when there is no mention of X on the coin but he/she was the issuing power according to the historical sources:
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 214 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 212 BCE Hellenistic 323-30 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made.: Silver Nomisma.org WeightWeight of the numismatic object (in grams). in grams: 8.428.42 g <br />8,420 mg <br /> DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius.: 10 litrai Nomisma.org AxisDescribes the directional relationship between the obverse and reverse of a numismatic object.: 1111 mm <br />1.1 cm <br />
Coin referenceReference of the Coin: Coin series referenceReference to coin series study: Babelon 19241Babelon 1924, n° 1394 (same dies), Burnett 19832Burnett 1983, p. 24, n° 38 (same dies as illustration), HGC 23HGC 2, n° 1413
Coin series web referenceCoin series web references:

Overstruck type

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.:
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object. : Ancient regionAncient region.  Modern countryModern country: AuthorityIdentifies the authority in whose name (explicitly or implicitly) a numismatic object was issued. :
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius. : 10 litrai Nomisma.org
Coin type referenceReference to coin series study :
Additional data
Frequency of overstrikesFrequency of overstrikes: rare and concentrated Level of confidenceLevel of confidence of the identification:
RemarksRemarks: "Überprägungsspuren"


  1. ^  Babelon, Jean (1924-1936), Catalogue de la collection de Luynes : monnaies grecques, 4 vol., Paris, Bibliothèque nationale.
  2. ^  Burnett, Andrew M. (1983), "The Enna hoard and the silver coinage of the Syracusan Democracy", Revue Suisse de Numismatique, 62, p. 5-26, pl. 1-10.
  3. ^  Hoover, Oliver D. (2012), The Handbook of Greek Coinage Series. 2. Handbook of the Coins of Sicily (Including Lipara). Civic, Royal, Siculo-Punic, and Romano-Sicilian Issues. Sixth to First Centuries BC, Lancaster-London, 489 p.