2311 - Tarsus (Alexander the Great) (tetradrachm Heracles/Zeus) over Alexander the Great (Heracles/Zeus) (Akçakale hoard, D2096)

SILVER IDUnique ID of the page : 15563


Overstriking coin
Callatay 2021 9.png
Overstruck variety
Alexander the great tetradrachm.jpg [1]
Archaeological contextArchaeological context: Hoard of Akçakale, D2096 see Le Rider 1988, 44, n° 41

Overstriking coin

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: Head of unbearded Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin. Border of dots. ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ (Greek) Zeus seated left on throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low footrest, holding long pearled scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings. Lettter Β in left field and ΑΙ under the throne.
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object.: Tarsus Ancient regionAncient region. Cilicia Modern countryModern country: Turkey AuthorityIdentifies the issuing power. The authority can be "pretended" when the name or the portrait of X is on the coin but he/she was not the issuing power. It can also be "uncertain" when there is no mention of X on the coin but he/she was the issuing power according to the historical sources: Alexander III the Great (Argead king, 336-323 BC)
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 333 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 327 BCE Classical 480-323 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
MetalThe physical material (usually metal) from which an object is made.: Silver Nomisma.org WeightWeight of the numismatic object (in grams). in grams: 17.1617.16 g <br />17,160 mg <br /> DenominationTerm indicating the value of a numismatic object. Examples: tetradrachm, chalkous, denarius.: tetradrachm Nomisma.org
StandardStandard.: Attic
Coin referenceReference of the Coin: Coin series referenceReference to coin series study: Davesne - Le Rider 19891Davesne - Le Rider 1989, n° 2170 [nb: cat. 6], Nicolet-Pierre 19862Nicolet-Pierre 1986, [nb: cat. 7]

Overstruck type

ObverseInscription or printing placed on the obverse.: Head of unbearded Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied beneath chin. ReverseInscription or printing placed on the reverse.: ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ (Greek) Zeus seated left on throne, right leg drawn back, his feet resting on a low footrest, holding long pearled scepter in his left hand and, in his right, eagle standing right with closed wings. Lettter Β in left field and ΑΙ under the throne.
Mint and issuing power
MintIdentifies the place of manufacture or issue of a numismatic object. : Ancient regionAncient region.  Modern countryModern country: AuthorityIdentifies the authority in whose name (explicitly or implicitly) a numismatic object was issued. :
FromIdentifies the initial date in a range assigned in a numismatic context. 333 BCE toIdentifies the final date in a range assigned in a numismatic context.. 327 BCE Classical 480-323 BC Nomisma.org periodTime period of the numismatic object.
Physical description
Coin type referenceReference to coin series study :
Additional data
Frequency of overstrikesFrequency of overstrikes: rare and concentrated Level of confidenceLevel of confidence of the identification:
RemarksRemarks: “Cette pièce a été surfrappée sur un autre alexandre; on reconnaît au droit, en bas, les ves- tiges de la crinière du lion et l’on distingue au revers, en bas, une partie du corps de Zeus. D’autres exemples de pareilles surfrappes sont connus”


  1. ^  Davesne, A. - Le Rider, Georges (1989), Le trésor de Meydancikhale (Cilicie Trachée, 1980), Éditions Recherche sur les Civilisations, Paris, 377 p. 157 pl.
  2. ^  Nicolet-Pierre, Hélène (1986), "Un pseudo-alexandre phénicien surfrappé", Bulletin de la Société Française de Numismatique 41 (3), p. 21-23.